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Rejection part hurts more

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Hello everyone,

I noticed during the last 7 weeks after the breakup, the part of rejection is bothering me a lot. My story in a short summary:


I was with ex gf for 4 & 1/2 years. The last 2 & 1/2 years we were doing LDR. We were always close & always had a good chemistry between us. She asked me one time to get marry. At that time I was not sure about our future since I had finished my studies & had to leave her country. So, basically I didn't reply. We sticked to each other during good & bad times. She had always put more effort in our relationship. She always thought I was the one, but I never proposed.


Anyways, before few months prior of break up I got myself involved in the comfort zone. I got involved too much in studies & extra circular activities & started to pay less attention to her. This led to the bad communication between us. Meanwhile, she was looking for a job in her city but unforunately could not find one. So, she decided to move to the capital city. The last time, we spoke she told me that you are not paying much attention. I admitted & apologised but still continued living in the comfort zone.


7 weeks back, she wrote me an angry letter saying she's out of love & is in love with another guy. She blamed everything on me. On my lack of commitement, focusing just on my career & got fed up of waiting. It was my first relationship & I know I made mistakes.


After 3 days, I wrote her my last letter admitting & apologising for my mistakes. I told her, I was coming at the end of the year to propose her. I didn't inform her before because I wanted it to be a surprise. I told her if she still has a place in her heart & can forgive me, I will marry her & we will never get separate again. Yup, it was too late.


That was our last communication. I know if she ever made contact that will be for us to try a second time. Since it was a LDR it didn't hit me pretty hard but still the rejection part hurts a lot.

Edited by ffw
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rejection part hurts a lot
Yes it does! No one likes it and it is hard to accept! The feeling of inadequacy that comes with rejection is really hard for me, but have found that by being true to me and focusing on me moving forward for me, not for anyone else - it is empowering and helps me keep perspective. I am sorry for your pain...(Hugs)
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