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Couple married 72 yrs dies holding hands

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someone posted this on my Facebook page, and I thought it was very touching. Especially the part about where her heartbeat was showing up on *his* monitor after he died. Very telling ...


this is a very rare kind of love, IMO. Not impossible, but definitely something you work hard at achieving. And it sets the bar for the rest of us :love::love::love:


rest in peace Mr. & Mrs. Yeager ~ you're inspirational even beyond death!

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Sorry to be sceptical but as beautiful as the idea of passing away together is... we don't know how their marriage was.

Maybe he cheated plenty of times on her and she tolerated it because people did not divorce at that time. Or maybe she was one of these women who never wanted to have sex with her H...

And eventually they were married for such a long time that it was simply a non-brainer to get divorced. Sometimes marriage is a bad habit which is very hard to break. My parents were married for more than 40 years and they were very unhappy with each other (don't think they ever cheated, they were very catholic) because they were simply not a good match. I know that my father is way more happier and at ease now that my mother is no longer there to boss him around.


We don't know how their life together was. I hope for them it was good. Chances are good it indeed was because I think that in general people who are happy live longer. Actually it is a pity that when you become that old, you die in a traffic accident...

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... we don't know how their marriage was. ..


"She hardly left his side for 72 years." :love:


Not so hard for me to imagine. They sound like my grandparents :)

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I do think that less than 2% of couples today under 50 will make it to this point. This kind of love is going the way of the dodo bird.

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With respect to the potential ambiguity of the couple's love or actual marital relations, of which we have no knowledge, their proximity at the end, whether we consider that end in the car just prior to the accident or the way the ICU arranged them, indicates their *commitment*. In my view, bookending on Wogs post, if anything is missing from my generation, that's it. I won't speak to the younger ones since I really don't know. I see it a lot in my generation and it's why I tend to pursue friendships with people who do demonstrate commitment to their partners. I figure, if they're committed to their partner, they'll likely have the same philosophy about friends. So far, it's been pretty accurate.

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that kind of love does exist, and perhaps more often than we think, because love like that does not require grand gestures as proof of its existence, thus it may go unnoticed by others until something like this happens.



my mom and dad have been married almost 50 yrs. they are not overtly demonstrative, but you could really see it when my mom was going through cancer treatment. the chemo made her sick and it was painful my dad would cry to see her hurt, but he'd put a smile on his face and go rub her back, etc. while she was sick .


perhaps we can all have that if we choose to allow it and see it for what it is when it is there .

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that kind of love does exist, and perhaps more often than we think, because love like that does not require grand gestures as proof of its existence, thus it may go unnoticed by others until something like this happens.



my mom and dad have been married almost 50 yrs. they are not overtly demonstrative, but you could really see it when my mom was going through cancer treatment. the chemo made her sick and it was painful my dad would cry to see her hurt, but he'd put a smile on his face and go rub her back, etc. while she was sick .


perhaps we can all have that if we choose to allow it and see it for what it is when it is there .


I agree, FS, and have witnessed this love between my parents, and both sets of grandparents.


This is completely normal marriage to me. But it isn't showy, and it isn't thilling or exciting. It it just life, and love, shared, for a damn long time :laugh:


Doesn't mean they can't still have fun in the bedroom at the end of a long day, either.

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You all might have witnessed it between your parents and grandparents but how many younger couples do you actually think will end up like this.

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Reuben Kinkaid

Not to be an *******, but the story never says what his other hand was doing....


Okay, I am trying to be an *******. In all honesty, it's a very sweet story.

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Maybe I am softening up. Most marriages pretty much are miserable but there are some exceptions. This might be one of those exceptions.

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Citizen Erased
You disappoint me. I thought you were the cynical male version of me.


Just because someone is together 72 years doesn't mean there may not have been abuse or cheating. My grandfather had kids with my grandmother's COUSIN and other women. He had tons of affairs and CHILDREN with other women. Yet my grandmother stayed with him and they were married for like 60 years or more. (I think my grandmother married at like 17) and they lived together till they were like 70. So they spent decades together; IT DOESN'T MEAN THEY WERE HAPPY.


Some women of the older generation felt like they didn't have a choice but to stay in unhappy marriages. So my grandparents ALSO were together for like 50 years. Is that sweet that they grew old together? I'm sure she was happy with a mentally abusive husband who slept with her own cousin. Even my aunts and uncles admitted their father (my grandfather) was very controlling and abusive. Just because someone stayed together that long doesn't mean they were happy. It means they had no choice to stay for 50 years while their husband had sex and had children with lots of other women. lol


Don't believe everything you see on tv.

Last time I checked, this wasn't about your family. So your grandfather was a lying, cheating bastard. Congratulations. Unless the two people in this story are your grandparents, you're off topic.

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Just be glad you're not like that Woggle. ;)


I was at one point. Now I think there are 5% of couples who actually are happy. I am glad to be a part of that 5%.

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Well, even if it is not about my family I don't find them dying together sweet. It makes me GAG. It doesn't mean they were happy. I don't know why people think old people are so sweet; they aren't. Serial killers eventually turn old too.


Old couples dying together doesn't move me. Chances are that they were miserable when alive. I find nothing endearing about this couple and yes I watched the video.


Hard times :/


Sorry :(

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Honestly, I'm not having a hard time :) I'm in a good place. I have never been a fan of old folks and I just don't find it cute. What is so hard to believe about that? Why do you assume I must be going through a "hard time". I would feel the same way even in the BEST of times. It's just how I feel. Sorry I don't find a bunch of old people dying sweet; it just doesn't do it for me.


I'm not a lame mushball who finds children and old folks and The Notebook sweet. All that stuff seriously makes me gag, even when I'm in the BEST mood. It is just not my cup of tea.


I find it very patronizing that you would write "harsh times". Everyone has a different perspective. I am entitled to not find it very sweet because the truth is that I don't. Do you want me to lie and pretend it's so precious?


okay fine... you got your chance to rant, and i understand that not everyone thinks the same things are "sweet" ( i feel the same way about dogs as you seem to feel about kids and seniors, which i suippose makes me different than most, but who cares)


i just wonder why you feel the need to rain on the parade of those who enjoyed this story ? why does it matter at all to you that they feel this way?

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Yes, please :laugh:


So you would rather believe in a lie than believe in reality? That is the problem with this world. Too many people want to believe in a fantasy than actually look at reality. Even if this story is as sweet as it seems these kind of people are the last of a dying breed.

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