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I want my ex back but how when I don't know if he really wants me

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Me and my ex dated for 5 months.Its was my frist time being in love.Everything was perfect but then we broke up cause his friends told him I cheated on him.He just stop talking to me and didnt come see me so I wrote him a note saying it was over and that I still love him.Well about two days after that I called him at work and told him I loved him and I still want to be with him.He told that he loved me too and he still wanted to be with me.I thought we was going back out but we wasnt so I tried to move on.Then he calls me out of the blue and ask me if I wanted to come over I said sure.We got to his house and he started to toch like he use to when we was going out.Next thing I know he is asking me back out.Well I said why dont we see each other for a week so we can make sure its what we both really want.He said ok.

After that night he never talked to me or called me for like 1 -2 months.When he did call me we went to his house and started to mass around.Next thing I know we was having sex!We have been broke up for almost 7 months but he keeps come back to me.It's like he cant go with out me but I know that isnt true.

He makes sure that I still want him by calling me every now an then and every time he calls me I start to think about him more.I still love him with all my heart but I don't know what to do!!!

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it's either you two are still dating or you are not.... this once in a while thing you are having with him wont do any of you good.


the next time he calls, get it straight out with him.


as for the part about you cheating on him and a friend telling him, well now if that's true, it could be that he's looking for closure and nothing else. if thats not true, then iron the creases out with him.


it's hard to tell what is going on exactly, and its bothering you a lot, so why dont you talk this out with him.


first loves die hard. :( we've all been through it. but dont assume, and think and wonder too much. :)

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