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Now this took place in my native country. We are fresh out of college. We join the same company along with 30 others. Thats when i first met her. We exchanged numbers and would text each other everyday. Now there is this other guy, my roommate who was loaded. Soon she finds out that this dude is rich and starts hittin on him and they would text each other all the time which would make me all jealous. I even see them makin out right in front of me and that image is still there in my mind and it kills me. Thing is this dude sucks, other than money he aint got nothin. But he sits me down one day and claims to be a superstud and tells me abt how he's so good with girls nd stuff and that pisses me off.


After 3 months we are all transferred to different cities. Me and her in city A and him in city B. He comes over and stays with her every weekend, sometimes we all hangout as frenz. But still, shes always rude to me whenever we spoke, cudnt figure out why. 6 months go by and I reveal that I am an American resident and i leave. In my native country its kinda big to be in the US, It means lotsa money. She pings me on facebook one day when Im in the US saying she misses me a lot n stuff which was a far cry from the rude behaviour I had to endure before.


Thats when I got the idea that shes a mini gold-digger. And i was proven right, cuz when I came back after a month she was all over me. Texting me all the time, pinging all the time and yeah holdin hands and a lil bit of touchin here and there. Before we never hung out alone, her bf would always be there. Now, it was just the two of us hangin out all the time. But even when she was out with me she would call her bf up and would tell him that she loved him. I noticed her interest weaning after a couple of weeks, so I told her that I love her. She said I meant a lot to her nd all that crap but only as a friend. Even after I told her that we would still hang out and do all this little physical stuff at the movies and in the car. But she kept saying no.


Then one day she calls me and tells me that her bf saw my txts and he asks her not to meet me. So now its us just texting and pinging but she keeps saying no to me when I ask for an answer. Then her bf moves to the city where we stay. Then one day i tell her that I'm leavin the country cuz she keeps sayin no and I cant continue livin in this city anymore cuz of everything that happened. Then one day she tried to pick a fight with me on our company mail and we had this huge fight where her bf was in cc. She lied her ass off and claimed that it was all my fault and tht she respects her bf so much.



Then i leave the country and come to the US and we again pick a fight over fb and i deleted her from fb. Its been NC for 4 months and its killing me. I dont know how to get over her. I know what she is and what she does to people but I still cant get over her. Its killin me. She is coming to the US for higher studies next year. Her bf is coming too I guess. What should I expect?

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Ok so I'm not that interesting a writer. I dont know if my feelings of hurt are coming out as strong as they actually are. Whenever I feel ive forgotten her, I get these intense feelings of hurt and I'm back to square one. Its like I cant move on with life until she tries to contact me.

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So u know she s a gold digger from the get-go, she was "with" ur roommate. And she showed interest bc u could be the next best thing... And u love her. Unfortunately, u got itself in too deep ( I know and understand, I dive into impossibles too). But is she that pretty? Does she have that great of a personality? Will she make such a loyal wife and a good mother? Or do u like the chase? Winning something that's a challenge. With time, an age, I'll realize games are lame. I think every relationship... Given time and time together ( no long distance) ... Excitment fades for all relationsips. I mean all! It's up to the 2 individual to look past the lust and attraction to see that it's friendship that's key to respect and true love. Ur girl keep thinking grass us greener on the other side... Well why put itself thru that. My ex and I had great passion, put things die off. We built what I thought was a great friendship and love. But maybe he likes variety.... That the grass is greener. But I can honestly say, although I made psycho booboos for pasrt few weeks, I'm actually a fun, sponteneous, loyal person. And not everyone possess that. Point is, fight for ones who love u for u.

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Yes, there is a lust and ego involved. I now regret that i dint go all the way with her (physically). I was so confident that this would work out cuz she was the one hittin on me to start with. I was attracted to her physically. And my ego is hurt cuz in some ways I also wanted to put her bf in his place and in my mind I lost the battle.

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