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Please help me sort my head. possible cheating wife

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i am still a newly wed, but my wife is really making me speculate about her love for me lately. we are both in school and we have a baby boy.


i recently lost my job (coniving wench at that job) and still lookig for one because small towns dont have alot to offer.. so she got a job at a local resturant. well since being there she has made "friends" with several guys who work there who are nothing more than flirtatious perverts who do not respect a married woman. they have even once attempted to get another co worker interested in her.


now i really hate her working there but i try to stay lenient. but lately she has been wandering off without telling me where she is going.. she just leaves and when i ask her where she is going i get no answer.. or if i do get an answer.. i get no reason or explanation why she is going where she is going. on top of that our sex life is hurting.. everytime we try to have sex she cant "concentrate" or "function". or something along those lines. its like she tries to make herself want me but her body says no.. kinda like a guilt thing..


i am very upset right now because she just called saying she had to work a little longer than normal today which also has been happening alot here lately. i am confused and dont know what to do.. can anyone offer some advice

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I recommend not focussing on cheating, because you really don't know. There are many possible causes of the behavior you describe. Instead, focus on understanding and meeting your wife's needs, because this will reduce the chances of an affair in the future. Please check out http://www.marriagebuilders.com.


And be easy on both of you. Unemployment, being in school, newly married, and taking care of a baby boy! You are both under a lot of stress. What can you each do to ease the load on the other? How much load is she carrying?

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Sounds like a cheater to me.


You need to do some private investigating and find out what is up. If you can't afford an actual private investigator have one of your friends help you.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something is DEFINITELY suspicious and shady about this.


You need to take matters into your own hands and find out, if that means spying or having someone else do some spying then so be it. She is your wife and you deserve to know.

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