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If the WIFE always right?

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I mean that funny but also serious: Is that the key to a good marriage?


I have a 4 year old with my wife. Her and I have been together so long its like we've been married forever. The Toddler added stress to our relationship for sure. We bicker a lot more than we ever did. Have differences of opinion when it comes to child rearing and don't have

a sex life of any kind anymore. We're both tired but love our son very



Things get hectic in my 9-5 (which is more like 8-7) and she is a stay at home Mom. Toddler is pretty hard some days (imagine if we had two or three? I salute those of you who do)


Anyway, I find we bicker more like I said, I want to get past that. There's No screaming & yelling, just snide comments and attitude usually. My wife has the tendency to take any little thing I say way out of context these days, gets offended (i'm thinking she's just stressed and being a little self concious) if I say or suggest something be done differently with Baby. I can't make suggestions without her thinking I'm judging her mothering skills. Then I get the silent treatment.


Just Venting. I know things will get better once Baby gets older. I think

were both stressed.

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I mean that funny but also serious: Is that the key to a good marriage?.


If thats the key to a good marriage then my next question would be.... "a good marriage for who exactly?"


Just Venting. I know things will get better once Baby gets older. I think

were both stressed.


For your sake I hope you're right. But beware johnny....because resent tends to spawn from situations like this (if it hasnt already). Resent is much like cancer...you dont nip it in the bud early enough and it sets in....and once it sets in, it spreads...and once that happens its looking very grim.

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Just Venting. I know things will get better once Baby gets older. I think

were both stressed.


Well, that's to be expected. I know that doesn't make anything easier.


But remember, you and your wife are really on the same side, you both want the same thing ultimately. You both want what's best for your son. I think it's important now that your son is 4, that you find time just for the two of you. Is there a family member you trust to watch your baby while you two reconnect?


best of luck to you.

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That four year old will be in school and out of the house for at least a few hours. Please don't get caught up in the modern "have to hover" around your kid(s) phenom- it destroys marriages and kids IMHO. Maybe your wife would like to try and pick up a part time job or volunteer to get out of the house for a bit? Raising a kid should not be a part time job- more of a keep your eye on what's up thing- again IMHO.

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