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Wow, the more women you sleep with, the more want to sleep with you


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Because for these men, women is the only thing lacking in their life.


I disagree. I say these men already have everything they want and women are just icing on the cake. They don't NEED the women, the women just come. HUGE difference.

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Why would you lie to somebody who you could prospectively grow to love and have a relationship with?!



I'm a realistic person. I think most women would look at me very differently, and probably wouldn't want to sleep with me after. I also, have no expectations of love or relationship early on, which is generally when this question is asked.

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I disagree. I say these men already have everything they want and women are just icing on the cake. They don't NEED the women, the women just come. HUGE difference.

Have you had cake without icing?


It's not very appealing.


It looks bland and the taste is nothing special.

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Have you had cake without icing?


It's not very appealing.


It looks bland and the taste is nothing special.



Interesting lol

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Why in the world would you want people to think you are promiscuous, and more importantly, why would you want to be with a woman who thinks promiscuity is attractive?


If some men thought wearing a turd in a plastic bag around their neck got them women they would do it.

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The rich get richer. That's the way the world has always been.


Now what should a guy do when not even Taco Bell will hire you?


Taco Bell may not have any openings

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i'm almost 40, divorced, have my kids every weekend & a few nights a week.

I basically only have 3 evenings without my kids.

I make this clear to women i'm looking to date up front.


I go out with these women & at some point they all basically accuse me of being a player or hanging out with other women when their not around & i'm wondering when the hell they think i'm hooking up with all these other women when I have my kids 4 nights a week & of my 3 free evenings i'm spending it with them.

I have my own stuff that needs doing.


So I explain to them I really don't have time to date multiple women & next time i'm out with them I can feel the friend-zone enveloping me. LOL!


It's as if once they realized they don't have direct competition or there isn't a challenge they lost interest in me.


I've realized now that the majority of low quality women far out-number high quality women at my age & now when the conversation goes to other women I might be seeing I tell them "look, I either have a GF or I don't have a GF & right now, I don't have a GF"


Since I have yet to meet an attractive woman my age who isn't dating/hanging out/ talking to multiple men they now know they can't waste my time & i'm only going to pay attention to them for so long without getting something in return.


And my experience is women who want to sleep with me do so at the earliest opportunity without coming off as easy or a slut.

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Maybe that's why you are still single.


Maybe but what he is saying is 100% true. I remember when I first got divorced and I still had my wedding ring my friends made me do an experiment. I went out without the ring trying to pick up women and then went out with it. The responses were so much better when I had the ring on. It seems that some women really are more attracted when it seems they have another woman to compete with.

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Maybe but what he is saying is 100% true. I remember when I first got divorced and I still had my wedding ring my friends made me do an experiment. I went out without the ring trying to pick up women and then went out with it. The responses were so much better when I had the ring on. It seems that some women really are more attracted when it seems they have another woman to compete with.

Further (and my anecdote agrees with your related experience), an ostensibly married man is more fun to 'play' with, since nothing serious can result due to his marital responsibilities. She can toy with him and titillate him and enjoy basking in the warmth of that returned attention and then pull out the 'well, you're married so stop right there fella' line once she's done. It's 'safe' but still a 'challenge'. I saw it happen a couple of times during my M, some of which I've chronicled on LS. I did the same experiment as you did after my exW and I split up and I was traveling. Far more women were 'friendly' when I was wearing my wedding band. The really cool part about this is, and I have to laugh, I've hardly slept with any women by most male's standards, yet there it was. Appearances can be powerful stuff, I guess.

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