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Bad day


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Having a bad day today. Day 8 of NC. It really sucks today. I even thought of driving to my ex's this morning to talk to him. I didn't though, so I suppose thats something. It isnt getting easier with NC. Suppose part of me thought he'd have been in touch by now. I really miss him today

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Well done for staying strong - treat yourself for doing so, honestly do it. Reward yourself for staying strong and not giving in to temptation. So many of us fail throughout NC but you've done good.


Ups and downs are what healing is all about, but it's those downs and how we deal with them that define who we are. Well done.

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Your actions were strong, even though you don't feel it.


It does always get better, but there will always be good and bad times. There's also no time limit on healing, so don't expect miracles and don't knock yourself for not feeling better at times.

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