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A week no contact and never felt better


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I feel great, so happy,no drama in my life anymore! And this is all thanks to finally listening and going no contact, i thought i couldnt live without him, but i was so wrong, life is better without someone who didnt care that he hurt me so easily.


Today i threw away the box of stuff that i had collected during our time together, letters, stuffed animals, that for me felt amazing, because it feels like im finally letting go..after 5 long months of been heart broken, im finally on my way to been over him.


No contact isnt as bad as i thought it would be, ive been doing it for a week now, ive never gone longer than 1 day talking to him, i just didnt give myself the chance to see that i dont actually need him anymore.

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Sorry to hear that he hurt you.


Don't count days that how long it's been you are on No Contact. By doing thing, it will be hard for you get over him. Just let it go. Just forget. You can expect a good life for you. See it's one life. You will never get it again. So why to bother for him?


I give you an idea. Don't resist his memories. Because, the more you resist they will persist. Replace them with some positive activity. Like becoming happy while watching a baby you love. Or watching some movie. I do all this, and I am replacing all the junk in my mind about her with very good thing. And it feel amazing.


Time is now.



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