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Relapsing really bad.


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I haven't really posted on here in a long time, I was working on me for awhile, and had some progress. My story is long, but here is the short version...together 5 years, I was emotionally abusive, she dumped me in May and never talked to me again, I went to counceling...which I still go to. After the first 3 months I started to feel a bit better, working toward my goal of getting out of my home state and try and start my life in a bigger city. Well recently I had to purchase a newer car which set my goals back possibly a year, and I have been feeling those low feelings again, really empty. I can't seem to get myself over the hump six months later, I still think about her everyday, I cried for the first time in forever last night and did a dumb thing and messeged her from a friends facebook. I totally regret it, the messege made me sound so weak, which I am at times. It is just really hard still, I don't want her to hate me forever but it is pretty clear after six months of no contact she is over me, I just wish I could get over her.


Sorry....had to vent, very very emotional this week.

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You sound exactly like me. There are certainly going to be more downs than ups, but once you decide you don't want to feel like this anymore it goes away. I too facebook messaged my ex, texted him in the hopes that he'd realize I still loved him. I finally gave up and realized I deserved a lot better, and that very night he called me twice by 'mistake'. The more you miss them, the further away they go. I read some stuff recently that really helped me. I too thought of him every day for the past 10 months, it hasn't been as much as it used to be..Just know one day you'll be happy again, work on yourself and learn to love yourself.







The entire thought catalog love/sex category helped me realize someone better is out there for you.

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You sound exactly like me. There are certainly going to be more downs than ups, but once you decide you don't want to feel like this anymore it goes away. I too facebook messaged my ex, texted him in the hopes that he'd realize I still loved him. I finally gave up and realized I deserved a lot better, and that very night he called me twice by 'mistake'. The more you miss them, the further away they go. I read some stuff recently that really helped me. I too thought of him every day for the past 10 months, it hasn't been as much as it used to be..Just know one day you'll be happy again, work on yourself and learn to love yourself.







The entire thought catalog love/sex category helped me realize someone better is out there for you.


Sound advice, the hardest part is following it.

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Great article. This made me feel a lot better.


I have to admit that it seems sort of plausible to find another person and fall in love with them. It's really not as easy as everyone makes it out. But the real problem lies within the fact that I am not ready to do that sort of thing.


When it happens, it happens.

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Great article. This made me feel a lot better.


I have to admit that it seems sort of plausible to find another person and fall in love with them. It's really not as easy as everyone makes it out. But the real problem lies within the fact that I am not ready to do that sort of thing.


When it happens, it happens.


That's true, when you are not ready, you're not and it's really nothing you can do about it except take one day at a time.

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I'm trying to make it, everytime I contact her and she doesn't respond it kills me. My heart just sinks thinking she is just over me, which she has every right to be, it just hurts. I don't try and put myself out there either, it has been 6 months yet I don't even find other girls appealing. The couceling helps but the guilt of what I put her through is still there, just have a bad week.

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