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Am I crazy?

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I am 17 and my student teacher was 22. Friday was his last day. So we were always talking and stuff but we bickered a lot too and he would stick his tongue out at me and then we would joke around. For a field trip i sat a seat behind him on the bus and he bit a cookie from my hand and this girl saw and was going around saying we were flirting. Then one time he tied my shoes together. So i thought that he totally liked me and stuff but im not sure because his school has a rule about not being facebook friends till the student graduates. The second field trip was at his college and before i got on the bus i was talking to his friends and they were really cool then i said goodbye to him and i swear he did that move where he was about to hug me but then realized he shouldn't and stopped. So basically what I'm asking is, is it possible he was interested in me or am I overanalyzing?

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He could be...then again he might just be enjoying the flirting knowing it can't go anywhere.


Either way, wait until you've graduated. Not worth the risk!

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He might very well be but your 17 & he's 5 years older,

The "three year rule" applies to individuals who have reached the age of consent, but have not reached the age of majority. It is not a regulation in all locales.

The "three year rule" means that a minor who has reached the age of consent cannot legally consent to having sex with someone who is three years older.

This varies from locale to locale but 5 years is about the max.

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