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explain 'No Contact' for me


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I am not only new to this forum but recently divorced after 26 yrs (2 yrs) and have only dated one guy seriously after a yr. It lasted almost a yr till I ended it because of his withdrawn behavior. maybe I jumped the gun but I did love him, still do, and just wasn't very experienced in dating and not willing to risk being hurt by him. So I hurt myself instead and still hurting. I broke my own heart... How crazy is that???


Can someone please explain to me what the basic 'rules' are and why they exist. I used to send him occasional emails to say hi. I still receive random calls from him after 8 months and would most likely accept him back if he asked. in the past 3 months I make no attempt to contact him, nor do I attempt to cross paths. I'm like it's either on or off. Someone please help me with NC 101.

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Nevermind..... I'm reading right now and just got to that part... So for anyone who may have that question as well, I will share when I'm done.

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