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The only man that exists like the one in "red riding hood" is God.


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"Even when I doubted him, he was faithful. Even when I wounded him, he was faithful." No man like that exists on the planet. The only creature I have ever met on the planet who you can drag through the dirt and still have love you unconditionally is a woman. Maybe God's a woman. They're sure more loving than any man I've ever met. With the exception of maybe my Dad. Now... someone prove me wrong.

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"Even when I doubted him, he was faithful. Even when I wounded him, he was faithful." The only creature I have ever met on the planet who you can drag through the dirt and still have love you unconditionally is a woman. Maybe God's a woman. No man like that exists on the planet... With the exception of maybe my Dad. Now... someone prove me wrong.


Prove you wrong about what?

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Like I said - you view the world like a child looking through an empty paper towel roll.


I vehemently disagree with your statement. There is nothing to prove or disprove, as you are stating an opinion and I am stating mine.

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The only creature I have ever met on the planet who you can drag through the dirt and still have love you unconditionally is a dog. *fixed(


I have never met any human who would do that, man or women.


This phrase however, "Even when I doubted him, he was faithful. Even when I wounded him, he was faithful." Both men and women can be faithful. Most of the greatest love poems in our literature are written by men. Think about that...

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"Even when I doubted him, he was faithful. Even when I wounded him, he was faithful." No man like that exists on the planet. The only creature I have ever met on the planet who you can drag through the dirt and still have love you unconditionally is a woman. Maybe God's a woman. They're sure more loving than any man I've ever met. With the exception of maybe my Dad. Now... someone prove me wrong.


You dragged your Dad through the dirt and he still loves you?


You drag your God through the dirt?




All joking aside, you have never had anything to do with any men (except your dad), so you don't have much to base your global theory upon. Besides a very disturbed fantasy life.

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Huh, the only male I remember in Red Riding Hood was a wolf. I've gotta re-read my fairytales...


Maybe she wants to date a cannibal? :lmao:

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Maybe she wants to date a cannibal? :lmao:


A cross dressing one?

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