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Ok if any of you didn't read my last thread this is just an update of my last one. Basically in my last thread I talked about how my bf was in an accident which killed his cousin and lefrt him in ceritical condition and I went to the hospital only to find out that he had another long time gf. Also his family were being real rude and cold and indirect speaking about me loudly in the waiting room. He was in coma at the time but when he woke up he just like ignored me. And I called him and the inly thing he said is hey I'm doing good ima call you back and I haven't heard from him since. Well he finally told someone to ask me to call him. I did this time he was talking about how he's so sorry and how he loves me . He heard about how girls were acting and he wants me to not listen to what other people are saying cause me and him both know what it is. So we've been talking good on the phone for days he's just expressing his feelings about the whole accident and telling me how much he's glad I'm in his life. He also went as far to let me know that he's getting out the hospital soon and he wants to see me noone else. Everytime we got off the phone he tells me that he loves me. Well the morning he got out he called one last time from the hospital and said hey I'm on my way home I'm going to call you I really want to see you. Mind you I have to wait for him to call me because he doesn't have a phone anymore due to the accident. So hours go by I wait for a call , no call. About six o clock still no call. 8 o clock no call. 10 no call. The whole day I didn't get a call so I start to get impatient and I write him on fb. I tell him how I feel about him not calling and it seems like I'm trying to hard and he doesn't care. Well he doesn't write back but he calls me and says I'm annoying him and I should stop writing everything on facebook (I just wrote on my fb that I'm sad and I'm moving on) . So then I said well if I annoy you so much stop calling me so he said ok and just hung up. He called back an hour later and said sorry for the way he tsalked to me and he didn't call me because he can't remember things like he use to and he really doesn't need a relationship right now. He just lost his cousin and he just needs to be alone and around his boys. So I understand but I do want to be there for him idk why he's pushing me away I just want to help. However I get on fb the next day and find out tht the real reason he didn't call me was because he was with his ex girlfriend ! So he didn't remember to call me but he remembered to call her ! That is crazy I'm so confused I actually was feeling bad andlistening to his excuse. At this time u would think he would want to be around his gf but no he just pushes me away idk what to think anymore . Ps thsts the same girl at the hospital tht said she was his gf for a year! Please I need some advice

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u would think he would want to be around his gf but no he just pushes me away


you still refer to yourself as ''his girlfriend'' when in fact you aren't.

in a way your lieing to yourself for whatever reason that might be.


you say you understand that he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now but yet you want to be there for him.

you gotta ask yourself: do you want to be there for him , or do you simply want him to be with you?

because i really think you're not being honest with yourself.


i dont know why he sweet talked to you and then decided to ditch you.

but in the end he choose to go to his ex girlfriend rather than you.

he tells you your annoying him and should stop messaging him.

i think its clear that he doesn't want to be with you.


i dont know if he cheated on you with another girl for a whole year or whether he met her after you guys broke up.

but it seems pretty clear that he made his decission who he wants to be with when he decided to go to his ex and not you.


also really stop calling yourself his girlfriend.

unless you have been dating non stop for the last few months , then you clearly are not.

you need time to focus on yourself and stop acting like you want to be there for him when infact i think the real reason for that is a selfish one simply because you miss him.


anyways sorry it is this way and it will be hard to move on.

but then again so if everything in life.

you just gotta want it enough and work hard for it.

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Thanks for your opinion , wekve been dating since june of last year . I have met his fsamily before the accident and I've never had a problem with them. Also I do what to be there for him just like I was talking to him on the phone helping him express himself. I don't believe it should have changed since he got out of the hospital. If I got played I got played I'm understanding it now. I've started to move on already he is irrelevant to my life as of today.

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alright i can understand that.

well all i can say is: u seem like a nice person who tries to help him and let him express his feelings.

but if he responds to you by saying you shouldn't message him cuz he thinks your annoying.

then i think u should stop being a good person for a bit and not help him.

you know gotta treat people the way they deserve you know.

if you see a nice person then act nice to them.

but theres no point in being nice to ur ex when he treats u bad and ditches u for someone else.


anyways goodjob for moving on.

like i said just focus on u becuz ur the main priority of ur life now.

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