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Not sure where this is going?


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Ran into an old female friend three months ago. We've seen each other three times since we first started talking. Twice while she had her 15 year old daughter and than this past Saturday night.


The second time I saw her we were talking about relationships and she said she didn't want any relationship right now but wanted a guy in her life who would do things with and for her. I didn't really respond to this and she later asked me if I'd help her out with something and again I really didn't respond.


I hadn't seen her in a month and our contact was becoming less and less, I hadn't called her in almost three weeks. Two weeks ago she called to vent about her daughter and got all emotional and started to cry. I listened as a friend but part of me wished I could be there to comfort her.


I sent her a card to cheer her up but didn't call her for two weeks. Two days before my birthday she called to thank me for the card, she claimed she hadn't gone through all of her her mail for a while. She said the act of sending the card was so "me" and again she thanked me and we talked. She told me her daughter would be with her Dad the following weekend...


The next day I received a birthday card from her. In the 10 years I've known her she has never done that. I called her that Sunday and thanked her for the card and we talked for a while and than I asked her if she wanted to get together the following Saturday and she said yes.


I called her in the late afternoon on Saturday and she sounded like crap and said she was sick, than called me back 2 hours later and we talked and she asked if I still would like to do something because she is feeling a little better, she really was sick...coughing, fever...I said yeah.


So we went out and had a nice time but she started coughing again and I brought her home, we ended up talking until 1:30am. She went to bed, I slept on the couch. She woke up at 5:00 and we talked and enjoyed each others company and later in the afternoon went bumming around stores before getting a bite to eat, during that time she jokingly said "Is this how we would be if we were married?"


Anyway, this whole time I figured she had a possible boyfriend, her going out alone with me, makes me wonder if there isn't anyone else in her life right now. I do really like this woman a lot, I like our friendship and would hate to lose it but I really enjoy being with her and I believe she enjoys my company also. In any of the above do you think she may have had a change of heart and has more interest in me or am I just hoping she is?

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Update: She called me Monday evening to thank me for Saturday night and said she had fun with me. Later in the lengthy conversation she said she isn't into just looks anymore and looks for whats in a guys heart.


Last Sunday she was complaining on getting older and I told her beauty is only skin deep its whats inside a person that really counts. I'm wondering if she said that because although I am a decent looking guy, she knows I am uncomfortable with being a little over weight. Plus I have been there for her over the years and have done a lot of thoughtful things for her and her daughter.

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