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Is this guy really interested?

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I have a crush on a guy I work with but I am getting mixed signals from him and I am not sure if he is really interested or not!!


He is a really sweet guy when we are alone and is genuinely interested in me, and is always offering to do things for me a lot, but for some reason he sometimes doesn't look directly at me when we are talking, and always acts like hes distracted, ie. looks down at his computer etc, but when he does look at me he is always smiling and looks away again if am looking at him. Then when we are with coworkers sometimes he will avoid me and talk to other people, but when we do eventually talk he is really chatty and nice.


Recently he has been a bit more flirty and we had some great conversations where he would gaze right into my eyes for a long period and smile warmly, which of course created a lot of tension, and I could tell he felt nervous around me. I have also caught him staring at me at times and once he even asked me to send him some photos of me from a party when I was dressed up.


Now it seems he has gone a bit distant and doesn't contact me for days even if I ask him for something, which is not usual and I am really confused as I haven't done anything wrong!! I know he did had a girlfriend a while back when I first met him but he never talks about being with anyone, so I am not sure if he is avoiding me cause they are still together, or maybe he is just uncomfortable cause he can see I really like him?? Thoughts?? :)

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Oh wow, the dude in your story sounds exactly like my own situation...there's a girl I work with who I really like, and I act a lot like how you describe...when it's just me and her at work or outside of work, she always seems to be beaming the most beautiful smile...and wer're always laughing...but I act aloof sometimes only because I don't want her to be uncomfortable with our coworkers thinking I have a thing for her...I don't know how she feels...sometimes she acts distant right back to me, so I figure it's what she wants...


And lately I've been distancing myself because I'm close to giving up...I feel like she's out of my league and wouldn't be interested in dating a guy like me...and I rationalize it with our life circumstances making it difficult to make work in the long run...br might be a bit passive like I am...of course I'm working on it, but this guy might need a little push in the right direction, so make the signals a little clearer for him...

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