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I'm not sure

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Hello, I'm very confused and don't know what to do. I'm hoping someone on here has whitnessed this type of situation before and can add some insight. Here's my story:


1991- In college, girlfriend leaves for the summer, so I hook up with Anna, of whom I had always wanted to date. Girlfriend comes back, mine & Anna's fling ends. I break up w/ girlfriend & find out through the grapevine that Anna is engaged. I go on.


1993- Meet my wife, get married, I love the fact that she loves me so much, and I love her kids. I wonder about Anna, where she is, what she's doing, etc.


2008- Life is rolling along, marriage is pretty good, has normal issues, I'm not happy with the sex, wife is in school full time, normal issues, nothing major. I dove back into church at this time, becoming deeply involved. Anna "friends" me on Facebook. We messaged a couple times "how are you, wondered how you were doing, etc". I began looking at Anna's pics on FB once a week.


2009- Marriage is ok, intimacy issues, but normal. Wife doesn't like my church involvement, just doesn't like that church. I begin looking at Anna's FB pics twice per week.


2010- Wife begins talking divorce over church. She doesn't agree with the church I attend and begins talking divorce in June. I wasn't worried because I thought she was bluffing. At this point, I'm looking at every post and pic that Anna has 3 times per week. College reunion comes up & Anna messages me asking me to come. I really wanted to, and REALLY wanted to see her, but couldn't because of work. Wife and I split up over church stuff in August.


2011- Wife moves out in early January over church stuff, I file for divorce. Mid January she decides to ask me to dinner often, wants to talk/text me, etc. Late January, guess what......another college reunion. Before I go, Anna is messaging me "Please go", etc. I go and it was very eventful. Anna and I hugged, her husband saw us. She kept looking back at me while talking to others. I messaged her AT THE TABLE: "My God your beautiful" and awaaaaaay we went.


The rest of the night we sat together, texting private thoughts and whispering other thoughts. While her husband was gone to the bar (most of the night) we made plans to see each other again. The next morning, we secretly met on campus & planned to begin a life together. She was/is unhappy in her marriage.


Feb 2011- Wife desparately wants me back, I tell her about Anna, she tells me about her stuff, we forgive each other & move back in together.


Current- Life is wonderful, marriage is really good, and I have missed Anna really badly. From February until now, I have looked at her pics once a month, then 5 times per month, and as of a month ago, I have been watching everything she posts. Two weeks ago, Anna & I began texting again. This weekend Anna said she doesn't know what to do about her feelings for me, as they are there and not going away. I feel the same way. If I'm happy in my marriage yet still have VERY strong feelings for Anna, what is wrong with me?

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Apparently you didn't like the answers in your other thread.


Divorce your wife and go be with Anna.


There, is that what you wanted to hear?

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