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So should I say happy birthday?


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about a month ago it crossed my mind that my exes birthday was a month away and i said to myself...that it shouldnt matter i wasnt gonna say anything to him anyway..i stuck with that..about a week ago i said to myself oh look my exes birthdays next week..still deciding that i wasnt going to say anything..after all last time we spoke was summer and he had been ignoring me for about a week or so prior to that out of nowhere...in the back of my head i think i always knew at some point id changed my mind like usual..cause i always told my exes hbd..this 1 never had a birthday since we broke up..but its tomorrow...and up to this morning i still said i wasnt saying squat! but...now im slowly questioning myself...should i say something? could i? would he even respond? his friends all hate me..and i do believe thats why he was ignoring me but i'll never know for sure...i mean i do still love him but i dont think i want him back..infact ive been talking to someone new bordering a relationship...but if i had to choose to get back with an ex...it would be him...i havent tried to speak to him since august so i feel like if he is even having doubts that i still care that saying anything to him will remove all doubt..but i honestly dont care if it does..but i do know i could be saying this UNTIL i actually do it...will saying this be harmless or harmful? pros & cons please?...why does every guy i date have to have a birthday before me -.-

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Why in the world would you want to wish him a happy birthday? Move on, and pay more attention to the new guy you are interested in rather than looking backward to the past.

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You send happy birthday - he looks at it, shows it to his friends, they all laugh and think how sad you are for still showing interest. You feel like crap as you get no response. You post here feeling worse once again.




You don't send happy birthday - you live your life and meet someone better not knowing anything about him anymore.

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i wouldn't bother. like Smudge said, it's most likely only going to make you feel worse.


as you stated, he's the one who had been ignoring you. whether he was doing so because of his friends doesn't matter. he'd old enough to decide what he wants and if he can't figure it out or is looking to you for "signals" that you're still interested then that's his problem not yours.

and it's certainly not behavior deserving of your attention - - let alone a "happy birthday"

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