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please help me...what is he thinking?i dont want to give up

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I am very close friends with this guy.we have been for quite a while,reallt close friends.we share many things including our more personal side.i found out one or 2 months ago that i now look to him more than just a good friend.and i kept trying to tell myself that this wasnt true because i was afriad that what i felt could not be returned.then a few weeks ago it became more and more painful to keep those feelings locked inside so i finally came up with the courage to tell him how i felt.i first used a letter because i just didnt find the strength to say it to him fave to face.he replied me with a letter as well,saying that he wished me to tell him to his face so that he could really make his decision.and he also beeged me to really think it over,as to whether i did really like him that much to go to that stage.i thought it over for a week and then told him that i still felt the same way.we took a walk and discussed things over.after really coming with the words"i like you"

we held hands during that walk.and in the end he turned me down...because he said that he was too weak and that he was afriad that he didnt have the strength to look after me and spend time with me because he has some family problems as well....his mother is currently sick and his dad....died when he was very young so he has great responsibilities.he also has to take care of his little sister.only 6 yrs old.so he works abnd studies at the same time.i really like him alot.when he turned me down...he cried and he also said that what he felt for me was a very faint emotion of like.but he still wants to remain friends on top of all that.and that he would always have a place for me in his heart..

now i dont know what to do.why did he really turn me down?is it really because he doesnt feel that way for me or is it because if we became a couple we wouldnt be a normal couple because he is so busy.does he like me?do i have a chance?i dont want to give up on him because i like him so much.what should i do?we are still good friends right now.....but i still dont want to give up on him....please someone...tell me what to do..do i really have a chance?

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it's hard to know what exactly is going on in his mind. give him props coz he was honest. i personally would respect a man for being upfront like that.


i would suggest that you leave it be for now. stay cool when you talk to him. show him that it's okay that you guys are not getting more 'serious' now. he's probably feeling bad right now bout turning you down.


as for hopes, well, it's hard to say.


dont sit and wait for one man.... get out there and make new friends. keep old ones. :) keep your fingers crossed.


happiness is a decision. :)

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