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Got with her bestfriend before we had a thing...now I'm paying the price :(


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What's up everyone? First time poster here, and I'm so relieved to find there's a place online where I can try and get some help with the situation I'm in.


SERIOUSLY, anyone who reads all of this, I will be forever greatful to. I just need a little bit of help.


I'm 18 years old and male, just for clarification.


Here's a little background. Recently, I've been talking to this girl who is also 18, we go to school together. I'll call her Adele. I used to have a thing for Adele back in freshman year, but she definitely was not feeling it back, it was short lived, and I basically quit trying because I could tell she wasn't interested.


Four years later, over this summer, we become friends again, but nothing serious. So one night, we end up at the same party, and I end up taking her best friend home with me. We spent the night together, and that was that. We're still good friends, but I have made no advances at her since and it seems that we both acknowledge this.


A month later, school begins, and me and Adele have most of our classes together. Naturally, we start talking a lot more, which becomes flirting. We openly discuss sex and all that jazz, and it's basically ritual that I spend the whole day with her at school. From this point, I've changed a lot since Freshmen year, and I'm getting lots of good indicators from Adele and all that. I play the whole "cocky and funny" routine, and it works, well. I've changed so much since Freshman year I feel like it's not even a just comparison.


Anyway, as the year goes on, I bring her to a rave, and her bestfriend who I hooked up with was even there, we all went out together, and it wasn't the least bit akward. Me and Adele dance, and makeout the whole night, everything's going great, totally flirty and everything. I did take a look at her phone though, and see a text from a dude I'll call Albert, and she's telling him to come to the rave we're at. He never shows, and all is good with me. He did send her one that said "you should end up at my house tonight" and she said back "i'm down for whatever." I didn't really know how to take that, she was letting me use her phone all night so I basically saw it by accident.


Adele gets arrested on the ride back home...possession of weed. I don't smoke, but she does. So anyway, the deals off, and the night is dead. No sealing the deal here...


A few days later, we're back in school, and everything's basically the same as it was before the rave, we talk about how we made-out all night and danced and everything. I try to get her to come over the past weekend, she's "busy". I'm like whatever, dosen't matter, I did my own thing.


Today, I talked to Albert, whose actually an old friend of mine who I don't see much, and he's telling me they hooked up...two nights in a row...on the nights she said she was "busy". She later confirmed this by saying she was at his house, but never overtly said anything.


I'm like ****. That sucks. I knew she probably didn't want a relationship, but this dude is so out of the picture. Lacks basic swagger and appearance, to be honest. Trouble is, he's about five years older than us, maybe that's got something to do with it?


I mean, I know she digs me...but I'm feeling like this is payback of sorts for porking her best friend...but it was before we even had a thing?


I'm stuck. Please offer your insight.

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Ignore her..Be real curt with her when she contacts u..I mean she lied to u to hook up with this other guy. You dont want that.Trust me you dont. Start thinking with your head above your shoulders.

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