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Problem that needs help please.. thanks

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Hey guys... I kinda have a problem


My friend and I were good friends.. we met through mutual friends and we started talking a LOT on the internet and stuff.. and so I finally asked her out, although I wanted to wait til we hanged out in person.. I couldn't wait... So we were going out and we were going to hang out the weekend after.. we did with 2 mutual friends, but it was just so awkward and hard to communicate like we normally did..


So anyways we talked afterwards, and she said she wasn't sure there was a connection.. and I was kind of upset so I said some things I didn't mean, and then everything just got horrible and we had a huge arguement for the past couple of days.. I wrote an email explaining myself and everything, saying how sorry I am even though I know she doesnt believe me, but we talked and she said everything will be fine, but theres some things that were said that was really hurtful..


So what im trying to say is.. do you think I have any chance at all with getting back with her? A minute doesn't go by when I don't think of her.. I just wish I could go back in time and have not have been so mean.. It really makes me depressed that I ruined my chance with maybe a serious long long term relationship =[

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You didn't 'click' in person - bad sign #1. When she was truthful about that, you said nasty stuff to her - bad sign #2. I don't think you two have the stuff of which relationships are made. You ought not have to force communication and it's certainly not a good sign that you argued right off the bat. I think you should forget her and move on.

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The only thing you can do to redeem yourself in her eyes is to be how you were before you said the mean things to her. Don't bring up what happened, just act like it never took place (that is if she doesn't keep bringing it up). That way she will see you in the same light as before this incident took place. But this is going to take time to convince her that you aren't like this. Continue to talk to her on internet but keep it fun and easy. Maybe you could invite her out without other going along. People act different when they are alone with someone than when in a group. Now.....if she really didn't feel a connection with you though you are going to have to accept it, because you can't convince another to have one if they don't. I wouldn't give up yet. Keep trying and good luck!

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I wouldn't beat myself up about it, really. She said she didn't feel a connection, so chances are you didn't miss out on what "could" have been a long term relationship, sounds like she kinda already ruled that one out.

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