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Question for guys:


Do you honestly LIKE women who constantly flirt? I have to say that I am not a flirty type, although I have several friends who are. I'm just not comfortable with the practiced giggles and hair tosses that go along with it. I'd much rather be myself than worry about putting on a show.


However, most guys I meet see me as a friend instead of more. Concidering the guys I know, I'm happy with this, but I worry that when I DO find someone I'm interested in, I won't be able to get my point across. So should I seriously consider learning how to flirt?

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Kelly, you asked for guys so I'll join you in hoping for their responses too.


My immediate reaction, however, is that there's a much more refined skill to flirting than the giggles and hair tosses you mention... MUCH MORE.


You can fascinate a man with a heart melting smile.


You can mesmerize him with the tilt of your head or a sideways glance.


Work the flirting in with your natural style and you'll enjoy the electricity you create.

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When you meet the RIGHT person, he will be attracted to you exactly like you are.


If you put on a phony flirting routine, Mr. Right could quickly walk right out the door.


Every man likes women who flirt, enough to bed them for one night and run away from them. But every man likes to feel special and if a lady is notorious for flirting with lots of guys, that doesn't make a guy feel very special.

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Have you ever walked away from a guy- and "thought" -"I think that guy was flirting with me" - but not really been sure? Remember in the hours, days and weeks that followed? You were wondering STILL- "could he have been flirting?" You anticipated the next encounter so you could pay closer attention this time- and yet you still went away wondering again? Now THAT was a skilled flirt!! And its fun.... to an extent- I mean- eventually we hope that person will give us a sure sign that they are interested.


But- I am sure that you also remember walking away from a guy and thinking, "that guy was SOOOO flirting with me!! I bet he is a player!" When people are obvious about it- and notably comfortable about flirting- they probably do it often and use it as a cheap pick-up technique.


So, only flirt when you are really interested in someone-and don't be too obvious. Let him walk away wondering, "Was she flirting?" and he will be on the edge of his seat waiting for the next time he sees you!



When you meet the RIGHT person, he will be attracted to you exactly like you are. If you put on a phony flirting routine, Mr. Right could quickly walk right out the door. Every man likes women who flirt, enough to bed them for one night and run away from them. But every man likes to feel special and if a lady is notorious for flirting with lots of guys, that doesn't make a guy feel very special.
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I can only speak for myself,but I do like flirting women. Flirting women tend to also be self-confident and outgoing .Flirting also makes it easier to detect the other person's interest,so at least you know the other person is attracted to you. Plus,it's easier to break the ice with flirting woman,rather than having to think of something clever to say to a woman who doesn't flirt much.


But I myself am not the type of guy to flirt. I understand your misgivings about it,since it is really phony at times. My advice is to flirt ONLY with guys your are VERY interested with, and even then do so only mildly. Don't do anything you feel is phony,or stupid. A simple smile or telling some jokes can often accomplish the same effect on men,without the Barbie doll posturing.


Simply put, flirting with the opposite sex is just way to "play" the love game.

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