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This Dam Girl is Ruining My Life


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I've been pining for the same girl for over a year now, and its a very intense case of unrequited love. For the first 3 months we pretty much were in a relationship without a title, but she broke up with me after that. For 7 months after that, I stayed as a friend to her hoping she'd change her mind. When I realized it was never going to happen ever again between us, I cut all contact as much as possible (deleted fbook, her phone#, no speaking). However, were both in the same dorm building at my University, we have the same clubs, and mutual friends, so I am forced to see her all the time even though we don't speak. To add insult to injury, she has a boyfriend and guys lining up to date her so her leaving me wasn't a big deal for her. I hate that I'm still in love with her. I wish I had never met her, and the fact that I have to see her everywhere is like picking from a wound that has never healed to begin with. I'm 21, and so far this is the only girl I fell in love with, and don't know how to move on while seeing this heart-crushed every dam day

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For a minute there, thought I was reading my own story. There never is any way to be friends with someone you love, I learned that the hard way much like you have.


Sadly as you see her everyday it's never going to be easy to get her out of your mind/heart. There's many on here going through the same thing with dating people they work with. It's a struggle that often only ends once that mutual connection is over - work or University comes to an end.


I'm sure others will have some more helpful input but in the meantime just accept your situation. You can't force these feelings out and no one will fault you considering the problem you're facing. It will get better one day but for you, it will take longer than most.

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