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Everywhere i go i see my ex and his new girlfriend. Why is this happening?


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Ugh, it seems the last few weeks, everywhere i go i see my ex fiance and his girlfriend. If I go for a bike, ride, I ride past them out riding. Out for a walk, I see them walking. Just today I'm walking past a restaurant and they are sitting together right in the window seat. OMG. I can't stand it. It kills me. I still have feelings for him, obviously. It hurts like hell still a couple years later. I'm ridiculous. How can it still hurt so much? She looks so happy with him too. He just stares at me with a blank look on his face. Ugh.


Why is this happening to me? Seriously? Why? I went a year without seeing him once. Now he is everywhere with her. I'm so jealous and it hurts.

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Sorry this is causing you so much pain, same thing happens to me when i see my ex keeping running into her which opens up old wounds their isn't much you can do apart from ignore them or try to stay away from places, but why should you.


It will always hurt seeing them with someone else try to focus on yourself that's all you can really do and hope some day you wont care and wont even give it a second thought until then just remember you deserve to be happy too

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I do wonder this as well. It's like, before you even knew them, you'd never have run into them, or seen something to remind you of them (as in my case). But now, it's like they're everywhere!


For me I live far enough away from her, but her name is everywhere. Hell, I even went for a break recently, 300 miles away from my home. Got chatting to a nice girl, hit it off really well. She tells me her name - same name as my ex! I'm cursed.


Maybe it's an inbuilt forced recovery method we have to go through. We're forced to face these memories so we can deal with them. I don't know, it just seems that whenever I forget, something makes me remember.


Trouble is, if we try to avoid seeing an ex or hearing about them, then that only makes us think about them too, as in, why am I driving this direction, oh yeah, to avoid the ex... It's a catch 22 situation and until you're fully healed, there will always be that bit of pain and heartache.


Sorry, wish I had something more, but take comfort in the fact you're not alone.

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Ugh, it seems the last few weeks, everywhere i go i see my ex fiance and his girlfriend. If I go for a bike, ride, I ride past them out riding. Out for a walk, I see them walking. Just today I'm walking past a restaurant and they are sitting together right in the window seat. OMG. I can't stand it. It kills me. I still have feelings for him, obviously. It hurts like hell still a couple years later. I'm ridiculous. How can it still hurt so much? She looks so happy with him too. He just stares at me with a blank look on his face. Ugh.


Why is this happening to me? Seriously? Why? I went a year without seeing him once. Now he is everywhere with her. I'm so jealous and it hurts.


BIG HUGS..... I am so sorry you are going through this.


I know it hurts, but just wave and smile.


Pain takes time to recover from. Some people recover in a short period of time, other people it takes a long time to recover.


Just wanting to know....have you started dating?

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