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Hey guys the last time I was on here my husband and I had split up

Everything was rocky at first but then I got up on my feet, got a job and started taking care of our son alone as best as I could, I was enjoying my new found independence and my new job that it made me forget all about the separation from my husband.

The last time it happened we were always arguing and fighting and well it was just too much so he ended it saying he didn't love me anymore and all this crap so I was heartbroken but I had let it go and moved on an within 2 months again he started texting me a lot and wanting to talk so I would talk to him but then one day he started acting weird and he had told me he loved me and missed me well I blew it off at that moment then later on he called me and asked me back and I was very iffy about it but then I reconsidered well I ended up going back to live with him and we got our own apartment together now 7 months later with no arguments and no fights or anything he randomly tells me he doesnt love me anymore again and we split up but this time I am totally destroyed and can't seem to stop crying and I heard from someone that he has already slept with another person at a party that they were at where he was wasted I got very upset about that and I feel disgusted at the same time but I'm tired of all this crap I need to get my mind off of him and focus on my son and my future. I just need help and maybe advice through this whole ordeal.

Thank you for reading and pleAse send some wise words my way!

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Sorry to hear about your marital troubles. This is all too common, reconciliations rarely work. I had a similar issue with my wife, for the second time she told me she was not in love with me and wants a divorce. In my opinion people who say that are not being entirely truthful and there is often something that they are hiding. Dig a bit deeper into what it could be but chances are you will never know. Your best off just starting to pick up the pieces. You did it before and you can do it again. Good luck!

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Sorry to hear about your marital troubles. This is all too common, reconciliations rarely work. I had a similar issue with my wife, for the second time she told me she was not in love with me and wants a divorce. In my opinion people who say that are not being entirely truthful and there is often something that they are hiding. Dig a bit deeper into what it could be but chances are you will never know. Your best off just starting to pick up the pieces. You did it before and you can do it again. Good luck!


Thank you so much for the response and yeah I have asked him what's wrong and he told me it wasn't anything I did that its just that he doesn't feel the same way about me anymore but he said all this the last time he wanted me to find someone who could treat me how I'm supposed to be treated and all this crap but it's not that simple especially when I love him a lot but yeah you are right it's just time to move on maybe one day he will realize what're wrong with him and fix it but right now I just think he has problems.

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Anytime someone tells you they don't love you anymore, believe them. If their actions support those words, by leaving, as an example, this reinforces belief.


"he doesn't feel the same way about me anymore but he said all this the last time he wanted me to find someone who could treat me how I'm supposed to be treated "


Classic words from someone whose 'happenis' has gone somewhere else.


Sorry about your issues and I'd consider two strikes to be out.


Here's some relevant information for your jurisdiction:


"One spouse must be a domiciliary of the State of Texas for at least six months and a resident of a county for ninety days before a divorce can be filed.

After the divorce is filed, there is a minimum 60-day waiting period before the divorce can be granted. (In 2009 the Legislature added an exception for certain aggravated situations) Most people's cases take more than this sixty day period to find out what there is and to finalize the documents if there is to be an agreed divorce.

If a trial will be required to resolve your case, the date of trial will depend on the congestion of the court's calendar, the attorney's schedules, your schedule, the time your case is expected to take, and whether the judge or a jury will hear your case. The time varies from court to court, but six months to one year from the time a case is placed on the trial calendar is not unusual.

If you are able to reach an agreement with your spouse on all issues, the agreement can be written up in the appropriate legal paperwork and submitted to the Court for entry after all parties have signed it and the sixty day period has elapsed. In most cases, at least one party will need to go to Court for a "prove-up" of the case. We usually like for both parties to appear in court. The actual appearance before the Judge for a prove-up is approximately ten minutes, and divorce "prove-up's" are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis every weekday morning in Dallas Divorce Courts. Procedures vary in other counties; many require a date to be set in advance."

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