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Average height for men/women?

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Hey all,


I have another worry. My doctor said Im 183cm which is 6ft tall. I got worried today of me being short and I measured myself and Im 178cm which is around 5'10.5



Is that tall or do girls find it short?



Whats the average man/women height?

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The average height for a male is 5'10"


The average height for a female is 5'6"


Last time I checked, anyway.

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You got a different height from your doctor? I would go with the height your doctor gave you. Measuring yourself can be inaccurate.


As far as average height, that depends on your ethnicity. Are you white, black, Asian, none of the above?


For Caucasian males, average height is 5'10" to 6'


For Caucasian females, average height is 5'4" to 5'6"


So relax, you're not short.

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I have to agree, you are of perfectly fine height. I am 182cm and considered tall in my social circle. I guess it also depends on who you are around. Because to be honest i occasionally feel short next to a lot of basketball or football players my age

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I believe the average height depends on the era. I mean every new generation (at least in countries with good standards of living) is getting taller then the previous (on average). I know I read that the average height for a man in 5-9.5" in a science magazine. I ask when was the data taken. It may be higher if sampled on current 21 year old males.

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I believe the average height depends on the era. I mean every new generation (at least in countries with good standards of living) is getting taller then the previous (on average). I know I read that the average height for a man in 5-9.5" in a science magazine. I ask when was the data taken. It may be higher if sampled on current 21 year old males.


Yep. It also varies by country. In the Netherlands, the average height for a guy is 6'1" and a woman is 5'7". It's partly explained by their high dairy/calcium intake. Apparently, during the 1800s Caucasian Americans were on average taller than most Western Europeans, but now it's reversed.


Many of my male friends seem really insecure about height, even when they aren't short. 5'10" is a perfectly good height.

Edited by notsoleet
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For guys, after certain height, your upper body to lower body ratio is more important

I am 6'2" and wear 32 long pants :( I would trade couple inches for longer legs.


For girl's you can be as short as 5'2". it's about having a nice body with good ratio (eg: eva longoria)


bottom line. 30% guys will fit in 'good height category'

90% girls will fit in 'nice body category' as long as they work out.

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