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why does he tell little lies?

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My Husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for 3.


He used to tell little white lies all the time and I never thought it was anything, and sometimes he would lie for not reason at all, but recently I have caught him in a few lies that are becoming more and more serious. Before it used to be little stupid things about checking the tires for air or calling him mom or something. But now its getting bigger.


He is currently out of work (again) and has been since we moved (going on 7 months); although he's had a history of irregualr work. I've found fabrications on his resume in terms of duration of employment; recently he had an interview and now is in a bind about references... I asked him about it and he said there is no problem. I didn't believe him so checked his email. he lied about requesting references from his old colleagues and then submitted a personal recommendation as a professional one from a friend in the same industry. Its an integrity thing. It could be desperation on his part, since he feels like he is not holding his own financially and I've tried to be supportive.


I feel like marriage isn't easy and you have to work at it, because you've made a committment, but working hard and being broke because he's not contributing and his petty lies, that could affect our friendships with other people, and more importantly my trust in him... I don't know.... I'm seriously having second thoughts.


I don't want to be embarrassed by his actions, but I feel helpless to stop it. I am trying to show I support him but I don't know if it is working or having any effect and I don't know what to do. Am too embarrassed to talk to any friends or family about it.


Appreciate any advice.

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Often, people tell little lies in order to present a "better" image of themselves to others.


I don't know what you can do about it, except to tell him that he doesn't have to lie to you.


As for the professional lies, that can get him in trouble, but you are right - he is probably feeling desperate.

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