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Afraid of Ruining Things

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A little back story first. I recently met this girl, we both volunteer at an animal shelter. We instantly connected and are always together while we are there. A couple of days ago I developed feelings for her, they kind of came out of nowhere. The signs are there that she likes me (even though I'll admit I'm not the best at reading them). She follows me (in a cute way not stalker way), she tells me personal info, and seems to move closer to me at certain times like when were sitting.

But there are a few issues, I just found out that she's not 18 for a few months, and I'm 23 (Although legal age here is 16). I honestly had no clue, she looks and acts like she's atleast 20-21. I'm not the type of guy that usually goes for younger woman, and was genuinely shocked when she told me.

I know some will say just tell her, but I've had previous experience in the past of telling a girl how i felt and we drifted apart after that, I don't want that happening again.

Also I want to tell her how i feel, but i'm afraid of the rejection and how it might ruin our developing friendship. Because i would rather have her as just a friend than not at all. I also dont want her to feel that i only talk to her to try and "get in her pants" as im really not that type of guy.

The thing that's worrying me the most is missing my window of opportunity due to my lack of confidence as girls like her don't stay available

for long as she's such a lovely woman.

So what would you do in this situation, bearing in mind your an older guy who is lacking confidence and is afraid of ruining things. And are there any specific signs i should look for that shes interested as i wouldn't have an issue telling her if I knew she felt the same.

Edited by Wolf1987
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