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Facebook and marriage reality

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Facebook is sometimes serving as a 'manipulation' tool.


For example, in my case my xMW would post photos (mainly old ones) with her H everytime we had a serious fight.


In some cases she went as far as writing love words on his wall the very next day we had an argument and in another instance she put his photo as her profile picture.


.....talking about manipulation in its entirety!


Very true!


People present the images they want the world to see on FB and it can be skewed in any way to fit any end. I remember post breakup my ex utilized FB constantly to display how "great" his life was....day and night he posted pics, statuses everything. Looking at his FB you would have probably been fooled into thinking everything was splendid...although it had seemed obvious to me that he was trying too hard, as when we were together he rarely used FB because we were busy living our lives together and if his life was so amazing now, how come he ALWAYS had time to post every detail on FB...especially details about his new relationship(s). He never used to broadcast our business on FB but when he dated these other people, I felt the relationship existed more so on FB than in actual life...as a show for the world (and me in particular). Some time later he came back and admitted the drama and unhappiness in his life that I would have NEVER guessed based on his "glorious" FB life.


So yes...all is not as it seems on FB. It can be manipulated but nevertheless even within that manipulation, I d believe you can still garner certain info. Example, I met a married guy at school who I felt was interested in me but I couldn't tell if he was just being friendly and I just assumed he was (although I felt it was otherwise). We added each other to Facebook, particularly because I wanted to network with him about some school related and career related things....he put me on a limited profile where I could not post on his wall and I could only see certain pictures and basically NOTHING on his page showed him to be married. His wife, on the other hand, I saw her page as she was a friend of my friend's and all over her page she had pics of them together, her status as married and no one could be confused that she was a married woman. I on the other hand, would have had NO REASON to believe he was married based on what he DELIBERATELY allowed me to see. That in itself made me realize his intentions were probably suspect....

Edited by MissBee
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Come on FN...


If she really loved her OM, she wouldn't give a sh*t about shopping and destinations; she would have run to him to spend the next 24h and wake up with him in the morning.


This proves that OM is just a toy for when she is bored. She doesn't want him when she has other distractions.


I agree that OM is just a toy to her. But going on business trips with her H maybe because she thinks she'll have fun. They aren't mutually exclusive IMO. To me, she is selfish and would rather enjoy her life. Going on trips to exciting places vs. Spenind more time with OM is a no brainer where a cake eater is concerned. I don't believe for a moment that she's in love with OM.

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Maybe she loves shopping more?


Exactly! If I were her and married to a rich guy living the life but needing a bit more fun on the side (OM), I would probably prefer shopping in Paris to spending time with the OM. Why? Again I can have him anytime. He's very available to me. Gallerie Lafayette OTOH is a rare opportunity. See?

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