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Not Sure How To Read This Situation.... Guy's - Can You Try Tell Me

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Hello everyone,


3 weeks ago a guy started at work whom I am very attracted to and I get on really well with him. I work in a large company in the office and he works out the back with the guys who are all great mates of mine. Ive been told by one of my close mates out thier that I have an admirer and Ive been told its the new guy. I was stoked at that as you can imagine but there is a hiccup. He lives with his girlfriend who has a child but the child is not his.


Im not sure how long he's been in a relationship with her. I was told yesterday again that my admirer was asking about me again and was invited to my mates house for a games night. Anyway I got there and this guy I like is there. I ofted catch him staring at work and last night to and after a few drinks last night I sensed he was getting a bit flirty with me.


He and I chatted last night for ages and we have got so much in common, sports, both have a past with the army and just get on so well. When it was time for his gf to come pick him up he figured from her text messages that she wasn't happy and started asking me for advice on how to keep out of getting in trouble from her. I said it depends what your doing wrong? I didn't really want to talk about his relationship with him. Ive been told he isnt aloud out alot as she wont let him and from the way he was talking last night he doesn't seem real happy. Than he went on to tell me how cute I am etc....


Anyway, can any guys try to help me understand what's really going on here. Is he flirting? Is he interested? I won't return any feelings for him to him as long as he's in a relationship. Im sensing he's keen but Ive been hurt one to many times before so I don't want to read to much into it.


Thanks for listening.

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Is he flirting? Is he interested?

Yes, and yes.


I won't return any feelings for him to him as long as he's in a relationship.

Too late, you're already starting to think of him. I can tell.


Next time you see him, spell out the fact that you're flattered by his attentions, but you can't consider even friendship until you know that he is available. You two have already gone too far to be "just friends" while he is involved. Then go find some single guy to tantalize. Really. I mean it. And don't chat with your paramour again.

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thanks for that!! ;)


I have full intentions of telling him if the subject comes up with he and I chatting that nothing will happen as long as he is involved with someone else.


Cheers & thanks again... :D

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