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tony, and everyone else, thanks for your advice, but as it turns out this guy that i'v been bragging baout is a total jerk and i hate him. i don't want to speak to him ever again, so please don't waist your time posting advice for my post. i am so sorry for burdening you with my problem especially since it had to do with a huge egotistical jerk.


i really think that there must be something wrong with me, how could i be so dumb, i honestly thought that we were friends but obviously we weren't, i guess that's what i get for liking someone, i always end up getting burned and the pretty blonde always ends up with the guy. so anyways thanks for all your help and i hope that all of you have better luck than me. Thanks.

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Wow. Do I hear you loud and clear. The guy that I thought was mr. wonderful was well...a mind twisting fool. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that. I also hear you when you think that you know someone and he turns out to just have been playing you all along.


I hope that through it all you have learned something. It's hard to see it now but sometime soon you'll look back on this all and be actually grateful that you went through it. Trust me, this it the pot calling the kettle black. I need to pay attention to my own words.


Good luck with your future.


Lost (but not gone).

tony, and everyone else, thanks for your advice, but as it turns out this guy that i'v been bragging baout is a total jerk and i hate him. i don't want to speak to him ever again, so please don't waist your time posting advice for my post. i am so sorry for burdening you with my problem especially since it had to do with a huge egotistical jerk. i really think that there must be something wrong with me, how could i be so dumb, i honestly thought that we were friends but obviously we weren't, i guess that's what i get for liking someone, i always end up getting burned and the pretty blonde always ends up with the guy. so anyways thanks for all your help and i hope that all of you have better luck than me. Thanks.
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I think when you originally posted this, we all indicated to you to stay away from this guy. He seemed to feel there were a lot more important things, like the democratic party, than you. He was treating you rude.


I don't know what specifically happened for you to see the light and I'm sorry. But you need to start seeing things a bit more objectively in the beginning before you fall so hard you can't really see what the true story is.

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You really did a major turnaround about this guy in just a few hours...very late at night. Earlier, it was OK to be his friend and now you hate him.


What the hell happened betwee 1 and 3a.m. EST???

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actually in la it was 11. this is what happened i decided to be nice and im him so i was like "*jo?*" and he was like what? so i said "just wanted to check it was u" so he's like "ok, it is, can i help u" i mean can you believe that he could be so rude so i was like "what?" "help me with what?" and then i was like "forget it i gtg bye" and then i left like a minute later. i was so mad at him, i couldn't believe that he would say that, i mean couldn't he have said hi, or what's up like other guys i know, how could i have so stupid to actually convince myself that we were friends? thanks for caring.

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Well, Laney, I am not encouraging you to pursue this guy because I have told you before it is a dead end, BUT...


You said that others in his family use his screen name. Every single word you gave in your post from the IM could have easily been written by any member of his family, especially younger ones playing around. You also never know if he just has a sick sense of humor and was playing around with you.


It is very very difficult for me to understand why someone so politically minded would want to alienate even one person. You could be the one voter that gives him the majority in his first bid for office.


Before you start hating him, just be very sure that was him. If you see him, ask. If he says yes, tell him off. If he says no, explore a bit further.


This guy has no good reason whatsoever to be nasty to you, unless there is something you haven't told us. Now maybe I'm way off, but people who are mean to others without reason are sort of insane...don't you think???


I think IMs are great but you can absolutely never be really sure who is sending them unless you are looking at them on WebCam. As a matter of fact, some of the guys you IM at times could very well be girls. You'll never know.

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i really think that it was him, and he only has older siblings, he is the youngest and last time when it was his brother his brother told me that he was his brother, so i am 99% sure that it was him (the guy i once liked) and i don't know why he would be so mean to me. maybe he just doesn't like me at all, or maybe he just wants me to leave him alone, whatever i'm not going to speak to him anymore.

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thanks so much for your advice tony, i don't think that i left anything out, but i told you that we were serious sometimes and we didn't ALWAYS joke around. i honestly don't understand how he could be so cruel, i mean personally i don't think that i would say that to anyone, not even someone that i hated, if i really didn't want to talk then i would say a few words and then say that i had a lot of work or that i had to go and say bye politely and that's it.


it's not like i wanted so much from him, i just wanted to talk online sometimes. thanks for caring, i appreciate it.

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