BigDumbFoot Posted November 3, 2011 Share Posted November 3, 2011 I've recently gone through a pretty messy breakup, so a lot of my world view is pretty skewed right now. But i was meditating a few moments ago and had somewhat of a bittersweet recollection of my life from the past few years. I thought about how the peak of my life thus far happened about three years ago, during my senior year of college. I was living with my girlfriend and her sis, and that was probably the most proud and independent time of my life (during that whole year). Sure there were times of great anxiety and uncertainty, but overall they were very wonderful and formative. Then once I graduated things became a mess.. I had no direction for about two years and my uncertainty had gotten the better of me (eventually leading to the breakup of me and my ex of almost 7 years). But when I was finished with this recollection I couldn't help but wonder if these times truly gone forever. I know things always seem better when we reflect on them, but they were undeniably good times for me. Right now I'm in sort of a prolonged transitional period.. albeit one that has lasted about 2 years.. and it's going to be at least another year before I get to go to grad school so i can change career paths like I've wanted to do since I graduated. So this period of my life is somewhat of a lull. My question is this; is it possible that the best has yet to come? I mean college is great, but so is grad school, and travel, and finding ones self again and again and again. Are fond memories only restricted to college and when we are young? Or will life continue develop them as long as I take the right approach? Maybe it's not a good idea for me to even dwell on the past in such a way. Anyone got any thoughts? Link to post Share on other sites
tman666 Posted November 3, 2011 Share Posted November 3, 2011 Let Mr. John Cheese have his say on the subject... Link to post Share on other sites
Teknoe Posted November 5, 2011 Share Posted November 5, 2011 The answer to your ? lies in what you're making out of your present. If your present is crap, then yeah, you won't want to recall it 5 years from now. But, if you have some great times, then you will look back 5 years from now and go "Man, 2011 wasn't so bad... kinda miss it, in fact." I didn't think 2006 was too special when it happened, but now, I look back and realize what a good year 2006 was. So yeah, it just depends on what you make of the present. I always say we're living the so-called "good old days" right now, we just won't know it til 5 years later. Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyBlaze Posted November 15, 2011 Share Posted November 15, 2011 Technically, all memories are a thing of the past, so if you want to get nit-picky, then yes. That said, I think the reason we have the fondest memories from the college/high school age is because we have a limited number of responsibilities and there is less pressure on us to do the "mature" thing. At that age, we are still exploring the world, so we get out and do things that we wouldn't do as adults. Studies have also shown that, although people of that age fully understand repercussions (including injury or death), they tend not to weigh them as heavily as adults do when making decisions. So when you're younger, you do those things that grown-ups call crazy and risky. You go out and have fun! "I don't hate my parents, I don't get drunk just to spite 'em. I've got my own reasons to drink now, I think I'll call my dad up and invite him." - The Pursuit of Happiness, " " (The video's weird, but I like the song. And every year as you get older, it rings truer and truer...) Link to post Share on other sites
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