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tell him or hope it goes away?

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ok so i have been friends with this guy since high school (i am in my last year of college) and i never thought of him in a romantic way because i had a boyfriend all throughout high school and freshman year. but this summer we spent so much time together that i began to feel differently for him. i never wanted to mess things up because i loved spending time with him and he was not making a move - although i often felt he would hint at things - so i let it go. he is also the first boy i have had real feelings for since my break up so i thought they were not worth screwing up my friendship for.

now i am back at school and its like every guy i meet i compare to him. the problem is we do not go to the same school, though we are not that far, and he is going away for the next 7 months to work.

we will have christmas break, but is it worth it?

part of me wants to tell him before he goes so that if he does not feel the same way i can move on, but part of me wants to see what he is like when he comes back - if he meets someone there than i can just forget about it.


what do i do?!

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Tricky situation! Would you be okay with having a non-serious physical (sexy) time with him for a month or two then leaving it open for the time he's away? Some people are okay with that. It depends on how you feel about these things. If you can accept being friends with someone you've had sex or made out with, then that might be an option.


My gut reaction is to tell you to tell him, but it's your gut reaction that matters.


Good luck.

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