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How can i see it all differently?


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For the past yr or so, I've been feeling so alone and like everything is going

against me. The worst part is that I try so hard to make it work my way, but the universe most of the time finds a way to take me down.


I'm a hard working professional who's struggled most of my life. Still in the whole. Every time I think I'm going up, improving, or feeling good --- it breaks.


Within the past 3 yrs I know what is to be betrayed by some family members influenced mostly by my rich aunt, who took from my mother a house my grandfather (still alive) gave her so she can sale it, then when I was getting support from my grandfather and other members, she some how found out about what my spouse did and turn everything around --- she's done a great job in making herself look like the victim within other things she through time; plus she's done even a better job in convincing my mom it's ok; and an infidelity from my spouse. I'm beginning to think that good people can't be happy. I'm the only one who's never given in to her.

What's wrong is wrong!!! Money doesn't buy me... She said bad things to me and I took it, just told her that she had no right to insult me and manipulate everyone. That was it the boiling point... from that moment in my eyes I decided she was history. Still can't forgive her, don't want to. Funny thing is that things seem to be going well for her, but not for me nor

my parents. We are good people trying to survive in hard times. My parents never really stood up for themselves and not too well for their children either. I'm not like that, I stand up for I believe and defend for

what is right. I can't be bought and power, but I first try to keep the peace and tend to tolerate a lot before acting. Is this a mistake?


Between family, personal problem I go in and out of depression, gone for professional help, but no money to keep in treatment. To top the icing in the cake I'm beginning to difficulties at work too due mostly due to economical and depression problems. This was the one thing (most of the

time) I did good --- at work. Though my profession doesn't pay much where I live.


Almost 2 yrs ago my spouse and I got back together, but each time we

recover some event goes against us. My whole body is tight and tense. My happiness comes mostly is when I see my nephew and niece.


Friends, sorry this took such a long explanation; this was very short version, concentrating on the resent. I've seen how helpful this sight has been for others and myself in simpler issues... I really need good energy 'cause I'm really drowning here at times.


Though I consider myself to be strong... I'm giving up. I thank God for many things and pray a lot, but my faith is fading and for the first time I'm feeling lots of resentment, hurt, and just plain anger in my heart. Trying really hard against this, but it's there like poison. I use to be positive, always helping others spiritually and psychologically. Now I don't have much to give... Help! Thanks... :)

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It's not a mistake to stand up for what you believe in. One day when you look back at your life, what would make you feel the most satisfied? Knowing you were true to yourself or that you gave in and were like others who lied, cheated, etc to get ahead? I applaud you for taking a stand. Only YOU can make yourself happy, you won't find happiness in anything else. You gotta love yourself first. My grandmother always says:


"God won't give you anything you can't handle"


Hang in there :)

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It's not a mistake to stand up for what you believe in. One day when you look back at your life, what would make you feel the most satisfied? Knowing you were true to yourself or that you gave in and were like others who lied, cheated, etc to get ahead? I applaud you for taking a stand. Only YOU can make yourself happy, you won't find happiness in anything else. You gotta love yourself first. My grandmother always says:


"God won't give you anything you can't handle"


Hang in there :)



THANK-YOU "SUNFLOWER" Words of light. :)

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