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Thank you very much for your reply. I think your advise is true but i feel so attached to her and its so difficult to breakup with her because shes my first girlfriend. i have so many memories with her. I think i am blinded by love and i dont see her bad side. I would have not known if she cheated on me because that day we went for a hike and i was with her bag and her phone rang and i asked her who it was and she said its her friend whos a girl but i could she on on face and eyes she was scared and i carried on asking who it is and she said its her friend and she got angry at me. when i reached home i checked the number and i checked her contact and i saw the same number but is just said X and i realise it could be her ex but is she so stupid to keep her ex's number on her phone. I know she had feelings for her ex and a girl never forgets her first love. But is that a reason for her to cheat on me even after 2 years we together? I forgave her because its her first boyfriend and i think that she will not cheat on me again with a stranger. Do you think she has cheated on me 1 year after i forgave her? but she says she has no feeling with her ex, when they met they just went for a ride in the car but i dont know if she slept with him but she told me nothing happen, they only talked in the car. But if shes telling the truth she did not sleep with him again woulds she sleep with a stranger? PROFESSOR X PLEASE ADVISE

Edited by praslin
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