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Stop Crying ya big babies (Satrical)


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Bunch of Sissies on this forum! Day in day out you whiners come on this board to try to bring everyone down with your buzz killing "heartbreak" stories. Oh please spare me! WHY are you WASTING your TIME sulking? I DON'T GET IT!


Be honest with yourself...YOU DIDN'T EVEN LIKE HIM/HER! Not only that, he was just with you for sex, and she was just with you for your money!


Who cares if he was just with you for sex and then left, he has a small penis and was LOUSY in bed, you would rather do it yourself anyway so why you all hung up on him?


Ya she only liked you for your money but who cares! She's stupid and was super annoying, now you got more money to yourself and now she's off ruining some other guys life, sucks to be him!


Your free now! To do what ever you want! You'll be so much happier and wiser then you were before! And your upset about THAT? OH MY GOD!

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I understand this is satirical. But compassion is better than satire.

Edited by CopingGal
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