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tance relationship with husband. Not so simple


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Thank you reading my previous post and giving me your opinions on what to do.


The problem is how to tell him that I want to help him immigrate to the US without being involved with him anymore.


I really owe this to him because I have the passport of his country and lived under his roof without paying anything for over five years, and I even feel guilty because I fooled around.


Now my parents are helping me get by, but they keep telling me to decide once and for all what I'm going to do with the marriage because they can't go on like this. My husband sometimes calls up my parents and complains to them about me. He sends my mother these really sad emails that make her cry, then she gets furisous with me.


My parents seem more sympathetic to my husband than to me and they tell me I am horrible to keep him on a string when I don't really want him. The real problem is that they threaten to never help me again if I don't decide fast. At this age I hate being under their power because I still can't make it on my own financially.


I've been so used to living well for so many years that I am terrified to be in a menial job living in a basement with no windows.


How can I cope with all of them?

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It seems very sad that everyone you know has to be meddling in your business. I think you deserve some privacy here.


To hell with your husband. If he is going to call your parents and upset them and get them upset with you, he doesn't deserve to have you help him with a passport. Let him find some other sucker to help him.


Tell your husband you want out and you want out fast. He is a spoiled, immature child. When two people are having difficulties, they don't broadcast it to the world Personal matters deserve to stay that way. Your relationship with him is so highly dysfunctional as to be absurd.


Move on with you life, tell your relatives to bugg off, and find ways to make yourself happy!!!

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I would also suggest that she try to become more self-sufficient. Try to make a living for herself. Why is she so incapable of this. Is there some extenuating circumstances that make this impossible (handicapped, ill, etc.?)

This will help empower her to break free from these people, whoever they all are.

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