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Hate when it happens..


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Don't you just hate when you have a dream about your ex? And you are happy together or he comes back saying he's sorry and has made a mistake? I even heard my phone vibrate and saw that i had a text from him..woke up and I had NOTHING. ughh...why can't he leave my unconscious alone? I just want to have peaceful dreams so I don't wake up crying in the morning :(

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Its does suck as you can't control your sleep they do get less in time but you'll always have those moments unfortunatly

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had a dream of this type of category two nights ago ( halloween ironically enough) where I saw her facing away from me and I tried to catch up to her but the distance I covered the further she went until she was out of view.. abit of a cliqued dream to be honest and now looking back at it, it was pretty rediculous.. but still.. the freudian implications where pretty stark...

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Depending on who you talk to, some say dreams are your brain's way of filing away your thoughts and memories, though I haven't a clue why dreams like this decide to pop up here and there. Over the last year, I've had 3 or so similar dreams to yours. It's certainly frustrating, but not because I want her back, but because I'm tired of giving it any thought. What's done is done and now she can live her life as she pleases, for better or worse, as can I (and you). It can definately be a setback, depending on where you are in the healing process, so just stay strong! Your heart and mind can sometimes seem like your worst enemy, but it was, after all, just a dream. Next time you have it, just call it a nightmare and move on! :-D

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I had a dream that my ex was sitting on my bed talking to me, and he was saying really nice things. Then I woke up and it was actually just my dog snoring! and I felt so awful. Such a pathetic situation...!

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Its always the same dream...she is standing in front of me..I can hear her voice like it is really happening.." I love you and I am sorry...Lets start over." 3 weeks now...off and on.Last few nights she is asking me to take care of the baby....What the hell does that mean.?!?!???!

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I do believe dreams are our brain's way of processing what has happened to us and matters we can't solve during our waking hours. Though we have similar dreams, the meanings are as unique as our experiences are. If you pay close attention, you will understand what your dream is telling you.


I had several interesting dreams about my ex. Four years after my heartbreak, I dreamt I was in a bus with my friends that was driving away from his house. He was watching from his balcony as the bus pulled away, and waved goodbye. I didn't see how he could see me from that distance, but I waved good-bye anyway. When, I woke up, I knew what that meant: I had said goodbye. I was over him.

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Yes, waking up from such a vivid dream gives me a lot of anxiety but on the days when i don't dream about him i feel like i wake up feeling great and usually..my days go a little bit better. Today has been crap. I have a headache from crying so much. Can't wait to get over this

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Do the tears stop..?? I honestly do believe these people will always be a part of out lives...I think the impact never,truly leave us..dont ask me how I know it...its a feeling.I have read so many posts,and have said and asked.>"

Why and what has that one person DONE to us to effect all of us some profoundly..?!?!?!?!?"

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Why and what has that one person DONE to us to effect all of us some profoundly..?!?!?!?!?"


In most cases, probably nothing. We do it to ourselves. That's why each individual is key to healing themselves. Our exes can't fix us, and it's foolish to presume they hold that kind of power. It's not about making them miss you, or regret leaving you or trying to get back at them. For better or for worse, in the end, all you have is yourself, and you have to make peace with that.

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I know I've done it before and I can do it again. The first love was the hardest to get over but now that I think about him i feel NOTHING. no love no hate nothing. I probably think about him once a month when something reminds me of him but I have no feelings for him whatsoever...that was 3 years ago when it ended so I am hopeful that I will feel that way again about my most recent ex..

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