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*~Tattoo Curiosity~*

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I have been debating on whether or not to have a tattoo done. I am very much a "girly-girl"!! I used to despise tattoos. I thought they were SO distasteful. Until........ a girl at my school got hers for her 17th b-day. It was the CUTEST little thing!! She had it placed on the lower side of her back at the left. It was discrete & not so obvious. She could only show it to whomever she wanted. No one else had a clue. I am not a big fan of visible tattoos, or big ones for that matter. I can't remember the exact design, but she had a little 4-leaf clover that was colorful & sparkly. Instantly, I wanted one too. The 4-leaf clover isn't exactly my style. I want something a little more cute.


Since I can remember I've collected fairies. I think they're the cutest little things!! I love the enchantment & playfulness of them. (I know they're not real!) They can even be a little mischievous; a trait I certainly have. I think they bring about charm & fascination.


See, I've put lots of thought into this. If I'm going to have something tattooed on me, I want it to have a significant meaning to me. I think the fairy is both adorable & has many of the same ideal traits that I possess.


I plan to have it done on the small of my back, just above my bikini bottoms. I want it small, but detailed. I'd prefer a little girl fairy, opposed to a woman fairy. I've seen lots of designs on the internet, but none that I liked enough to consider. I might just have to go to a tattoo studio & have the artist draw what I want. I'm fearful of it b/c I am a wimp when it comes to pain, especially needles! I'll have my mom, best friend, & boyfriend there, so I will be as relaxed as possible. Plus, I'll be laying on my stomach; I won't even see the needles coming.


What are your takes on the "fairy tattoo"? Do any of you have any tattoos? How intense was the pain? Did it take long to heal?


Also, if you know where I can view some fairy designs/pictures, I'd appreciate the help. ;)

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I've got two tats. One on my butt and one on my shoulder blade. The intrument that they use does not resemble a needle. It's much more heavy duty than that. I think it may actually be many needled welded together. Anyway, it doesn't look, sound or feel that scary.


I've always described the pain as such: Take your fingernail and go back and forth with it on your forearm in the same place over and over. After a while, it gets warm and your bod gets used to the feeling/pain. But to me, that's about what it felt like. Definitely nothing you can't handle. The thinner the skin, the more pain, the less fat, the more pain. The more cushion (like your bottom) the less pain. The shoulder def hurt more than the back. It's nothing you can't handle or everyone wouldnt have one.


My first tat is of a copyrighted character. The tat artist had me bring in a picture and he traced it onto transfer paper. He placed the transfer paper on my butt and asked me where I wanted it. The outline was there so I could approve or not of the location.


The black outline hurt the worse for me. If you are a great artist, maybe you could draw something yourself? Or just take in a PIC from online, not a tattoo necessarily. Oh, and here in the US, don't really expect to walk in and get a tat, they kinda want you to have appointments...well, some anyway. Check sterilization techniques and make sure the artist wears gloves. The facility should be certified and checked periodically.


Hope that helps. PM for any other info that you want. The fairy sounds cute by the way!!!

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i have 4.....


i have always put a lot of thought into mine too....my first i got right after i turned 18, it is a super nova type star thing on the side of my upper thigh. i had a very small starthere already that i had done, and this one surrounds and accents it.


my 2nd, is a daisy on my toe. my older sister and i both have them. we wanted this tattoo ever since we were little and we would sing a girl scout song about a daisy tattoo. i love it!


the 3rd, is a Pisces symbol on the back of my neck.


the 4th is an awesome dragon on my inner ankle, this one was also inspired by a song.. Red Dragon Tattoo, by fountains of wayne.....it is quite curvy and ornate...you would not know what it was first glance.


like tiki was saying...the pain varies, like where it is how fleshy, or not, that part of your body is. i would say my dragon was the most pain...but it was not unbearable...it goes very close to my heel.


i want at least two more, one in my ear, and maybe across the top of my foot. Do pick a location on your bod that will support a tattoo well, as the skin stretches and things rub the skin, a tattoo will look as is it is running and may fade.


it does sound as if this is what you want and you have thought about it good and hard. be original, pick a clean shop...though i think most of them are pretty clean now. look at the artists other work, they should have a portfolio.


Good luck! Ps-tattoos are addictive!

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Originally posted by Scandalous_Temptress


Since I can remember I've collected fairies. I think they're the cutest little things!! I love the enchantment & playfulness of them. (I know they're not real!)


Clearly you are not well. Of course they are real!! durrrrrr





*Runs to the bottom of garden naked to dance with fairies*

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I've got 3... 2 Japanese Symbols on both sides of my lower back.. and a cute little playboy bunny on my left shoulder blade that is black and outlined in a pink color.



As for the pain.. I am suchhhhh a wuss.. I am the girl that up until 16 years old when I'd go to the doctor and have to get a shot not only would I cry, but I'd almost pass out because I was so scared.


The Tattoo's I got on my lower back.. (about where your talking about) was the first 2 I got... and it really isn't that bad. Ever got stung by a bee? Well, it's like that..... repeatedly.... BUT, you do get used to it after a couple minutes and it's not that bad. and actually, in some weird way.... they are kinda addicting, and it's kind of relaxing. That's weird, right? I wish I had more places to get some because I'd definitley get more. but, I'm not gonna be getting them on my arms, thighs, boobs, or nothing like that so I'm done.


As for getting a fairy... they are definitley really cute.. I love them myself, but... you have to think about being 60 or 70 years old with a fairy tattoo'd on your lower back. I DIDN'T think about that before I got a playboy bunny on my shoulder :) I just thought the bunny was cute, so I got it. lol


HOWEVER, my thoughts on the whole tattoo thing is... in our generation, almost everybody has one... so... when we're all old, wrinkly, and saggy, we can all laugh at each others tattoo's, what they used to be, and what they'll look like then and stuff. I know I'm not gonna be the only one that got a "stupid" tattoo when I'm 70, that's what I'm saying. So go with it!


I love my bunny now... I just know when I'm 50 or 60.. it probably aint gonna be that sexy. lol





As for HEALING..... it took about a week or week and a half for mine to heal and the scab to come off. Remember, don't scratch it... even though it's gonna itch.... and put lotion on it as much as possible. There's only certain kinds to use.. one kind they recommend, that I used, is Corn Huskers lotion. Make sure you rub it on easy though, if your scab comes off too early, or you pick or peel some off, most likely it's going to take some of the ink off of your tattoo and you may have to have it filled back in, and that.... was more painful than anything. ;) So be easy!! and go for it. It's not bad! If you can handle thousands of bee stings in your back, yer good!!!!

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Please keep in mind that when you do get your tat, it is very hard for the artist to make it "really small" also, keep in mind that over the years the ink will spread out. (think of old Navy men tats) I have 4 myself.


I was not told until later that the ink spreads over time :confused:


Make sure you go to a good artist that is willing to listen to you and what you want.....


Good Luck!! :love:

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average guy

here's my two cents for what it's worth :) I personally do not like tattos on anyone, I think the human body is a beautiful thing (male and female...well, ok females are more beautiful! :) as it is without any markings on it.


here's a question to those with tats - why do you get hidden tats? is there a pleasure knowing that only lovers will see it? or is nothing sexual about it, and it is just a hidden "secret"? I'm not sure I understand why someone would get a tatoo that 99% of people won't see :)


Thanks :)

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Where I got my tattoo's, people can see them.. and I kinda like it because it's not SO obvious that it's trashy, but it's just there kinda.


On my lower back so when my shirt is up just a little past the top of my back they can see my two, and when I wear a tank top, or bathing suit they can see the one on my shoulder as well.....


I didn't get mine on my back to keep people from seeing them.. I just wouldn't want one somewhere very obvious like on my shoulder, leg, or something because to me.. that just looks a little skanky/trashy.. but to alot of people... on the back or shoulder may be skanky/trashy.. so to each their own.


As for sexually, didn't really get them for that purpose.. but.... it's cool too, I guess now that I think about it. lol

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Originally posted by average guy

here's a question to those with tats - why do you get hidden tats? is there a pleasure knowing that only lovers will see it? or is nothing sexual about it, and it is just a hidden "secret"? I'm not sure I understand why someone would get a tatoo that 99% of people won't see :)

I have a hidden tat (left hip, covered by bathing suit). I got it right after my stepson died -- my other stepson, my son and my hubby got tats also -- to memorialize him. He had a tattoo and always wanted us all to go with him to get one. We never got around to it, so we thought it would be a cool thing to do in his memory. His brother got the identical tat that he had, in the same place, which I thought was really neat.


Mine is a wreath of five different flowers in the shape of a heart, one for each member of our family. The thing is, "I" know it's there and when I look down at it or see it in the mirror, I think of him. That's the reason I got it, and I don't care if anybody else sees it or not. I've shown it to a few people. And of course my husband gets to see it, which is special to him.


I think people should wait until they are well out of their teens to decide on a tattoo. What I always told my son was, if you like a certain tattoo and want it, wait at least a year to make sure you still feel the same way.

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average guy

I think that is a wonderful idea - to remember someone. I think that tats probably originally started as some kind of "family" or tribe marking, and it's makes perfect sense to remember someone with a tattoo :)

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I've got 2 tattoos. ! on back which is an Aliien and a predator, from the films! and a prdator on my left calf. If you get a tattooo, get one what you think is good, not what every one else has got!!! My first one took about 5 hours and i nearly passed out. The pain aint that bad. You get used to it.

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Originally posted by Scandalous_Temptress

Since I can remember I've collected fairies. I think they're the cutest little things!! I love the enchantment & playfulness of them. (I know they're not real!) They can even be a little mischievous; a trait I certainly have. I think they bring about charm & fascination.



Originally posted by Durden

Clearly you are not well. Of course they are real!! durrrrrr


Now Tinkerbell is in coma & her light is growing dim.... everyone repeat after me "I Do Believe in fairies"....... louder...... :laugh::D:laugh:


A lot of my friends have tattoos but I'm personally not interested in getting one..... yet.... or maybe never.


If ya looking for something meaningful, how bout your zodiac sign, or your passion like some people will have a music bar to represent their passion for music.


I agree with the rest in getting something unique... one that says something bout you....


The fairy idea.... erm.... what will your thoughts be of that say 30 years from now?


here in asia, a lot of youths are putting funny geometrical signs and designs that looks like what'd you'll see carved on a wooden coffee table.... i seriously wonder why and how they relate that to themselves....

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I have one. Didn't hurt so bad, but yeah, it hurt. I felt fine during it, but had to stop for a couple of minutes in the middle of the 2 hours because I started to feel a little faint. It's big.


It's old now, almost 15 years. It already looks like an old man's tat. I've got to get it redone; looks like crap! It was beautiful when I had it done. A tribute to old religions.


Everyone swears to me now (artists especially) that the ink and the needles are better now. But hey, weren't the ink and needles 15 years ago better than they were back in grampa's day?

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Mine haven't faded and I've had them for YEARS. Make sure you get a reputable parlor though, my b/f has had his RE-colored in and it had only been about 6 months afterward.


This is the way I look at it. Things only get easier as we get older. Technology advances. I hope that when I'm 35-40 and need my first mammogram, that it won't be nearly as painful like it is now. There are advancements continuously being made. Same goes for childbirth. Same goes for tat removal. So I figure by the time I'm 60, I'll take a pill and my tat will go away, lol. You get what I mean. Medical advancements are being made daily. By then, maybe it won't be so bad to get it removed.

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why not stick to temporary tattoos?? you can get a new one, in a new spot, every summer - hennah(sp?) is nice and harmless... but this is coming from someone w/ NO tattoos or piercings. i keep on contemplating getting my ears pierced, but i'm too afraid of an earring getting caught on smth and ripping my ear!...


my 2c,


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yes has the best idea, IMHO. Temporary tattoos can be changed at will or not worn at all - and you're not stuck with them. How many of your clothes have you grown tired of? Those you can toss but you can't exactly throw out an arm or an ankle.

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