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Not thinking abouy your ex for a day or two: how long did it take you to get there?


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I've realized I've just gotten there. I'm 8 months broken up and 5 months NC, after a 3 1/2 year relationship.


It takes forever, but it does get better.


Now I need to get to the stage of not hoping for reconciliation anymore. I know that deep down I'm still hoping that we can reconnect later on.

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wow good job, I am glad to see that you've finally reached a stage where any persisting thoughts on your ex has started to recede to a point where you don't think of them hourly but once or twice every few days ( or times in the day)..


I tried a experiment a few weeks ago ( well it was more like a incentive to try and stop me from thinking of my ex which didn't work out as well as I would have hoped) and well I've worked out on average I think about my ex around 64 times a day .. ( thats around just over 2 times a hour 24 hours or in terms of times where I am awake around 4.5... a hour) and when I reflect on a moment where I asked my ex how much she thought of me, her response was I "think of you sometimes" ( you can only imagine to what extent numerically how many times a day she thought of me... though if we're talking about my ex I would actually extend that question to "how many time a MONTH " to be more accurate...)


So yea crazy how fixated some of us are huh? ( including me obviously ¬_¬ ) when that significant over probably put thoughts of you on the shelf months ago.... ( or in my case half a year ago..)

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Just keep plodding on, and you will get to a good place eventually. When the time comes, you may not care to reconnect anymore. Or fallen in love with someone else.


Or, perhaps like me, believe it or not, 5 years after the break-up, I still hope for a reconnection. The difference with you is, I don't think about it everyday (only when I'm bored and have nothing to do :) ). And I'm very happy now, even without it


Recovering from the pain, hurt, anxiety, feelings of rejection and worhthlessness and all that - that's what needs to be done, actually, which time can do very well (aided by plunging oneself into interesting activities). Then the hoping part - that sort of fades as part of the process.

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Yeah do let us know! I'm 7 months since the break up and pretty much 7 months NC too. Every single time my mind is not occupied with an important task i will think of her. Just this poison that I can't seem to get out my head!


I think she will always be there in my mind until I find another girl to replace her?

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Hey, Karala! :D Feels like I haven't seen you around here for a little while... or maybe that's just me not being up to date lately. Anyway.


I'd say you're about spot on, with you being 5 months NC. For me, I'd say it took about... 6 or 7 months NC to not think of him for a day or two. And believe me, it really was a relief. But of course I didn't feel it suddenly, so that's why I'm having to estimate to being around 6-7 months. It's quite gradual, where the thoughts start to finally "dissolve" a little bit. Kind of like slowly pouring water out of a glass, ever so slowly, there's less and less water in the glass.


Now, not hoping for reconciliation takes a little longer (obviously). I'm at the point where there's a tiny piece of me that hopes it's still possible, but I'd say 95% of me has given up on that hope. I'm not sure what will happen with the other 5%, but at least I'm not totally driven mad by thoughts of him anymore.

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22 days and its easily over 100 times daily. Stupid things too, like a bottle of wine, a place that we ate, somewhere we walked, an idea that we thought about doing.


I know it will get better and I'm in no rush. I just wish it would be less faster lol. I have given my heart no time limit on how long it will take to heal even though I wish I could just get over it.

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