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I'm stuck in a bad place

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I've fallen in love with my FWB. Now, we technically have not slept together---it's all been phone sex---but the feelings are there for me and very real. Here's my story.


I met this guy on line and we became immediate friends---talked for hours every day about everything. He had just gone through a divorce and was in love with someone who ended up breaking his heart. I was there for him through it all. We never actually met face to face, but I ended up falling in love with him---the feelings were not mutual. I eventually did meet up in person and my feeling grew stronger. We spent some time together--went out a few times---and then he told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship. Okay, back to the friend zone :(


Then, about 2 months later he tells me he met someone and he eventually got engaged. We barely spoke anymore---but I still thought about him all the time---compared every guy I met to him and they all fell short. This went on for about 2 years----then wedding was called off. We started talking again and things fell right back into the way it was. He would call about once a week and we would have phone sex--and would talk for hours after.


I love this man---and I know he only considers me a friend. I don't this he's attracted to me physically----he usually goes for really beautiful women---and he gets them.


I know I should just break it off---let him go and find someone who truly loves me. But I can't seem to say goodbye to him. I know it wrong---I know he's using me. Why is this so hard???? I want him in my life so badly that I'm willing to settle for this.


My question is---is there any way to get him interested enough in me to turn this into a real relationship?????

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