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not sure i like this girl

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hey im having conflicting feelings about my friend who im sure i like.


last september, i broke up with the love of my life because if distnace between us (we lived far apart).i was totally heartbroken as she was my first love and ive had a hard time getting over the girl.


its now almost 9 months on and i feel ready and willing to move on and start living my life.


the girl i think i like is a long time friend of mine whom has been a great friend for me.shes had a tough time as ive had and we supported each other fully.ive never really had feelings for her as such as it never really crossed my mind since we were such good friends and we had a close relationship.


there was a time that we didnt talk for a while.actually,i got a little angry with her as she couldnt call me.but it was something silly really.anyway,we got talking again and i started growing feelings for her.


what made me trigger my feelings was the fact that she was cutting herself because her parents were on the verge of spilting.it was then that i started crying because she ws hurting.basically,i cared for her that deeply.


there is something about her that i really love.but i keep thinking that im desparate as she idnt the most amazing looking girl.but i keep thinking about her and i keep thinking we could be a great couple.


what kind of things do i need to think about before i can trust my feelings for her?


any help thanks


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