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Chronic fatigue lately

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I'm a 21 year old male. Lately I've been having some problems. It just seems like I don't have the energy to do anything. I have been taking naps every afternoon when I get home and these can last for hours. It actually impacts my ability to study, all I want to do is sleep. I play basketball in several teams and I umpire it too. I've always been an athlete but I'm just struggling to get through games nowadays. I can still manage but by the end I'm struggling to breathe. It impacts on my ability when I'm that fatigued and I feel like I let my team down sometimes. Last few weeks it actually scares me. I see the ball in the air and I want to get it, I even try my hardest to jump but I can barely get off the ground. Running is a chore now, I actually have to strain as hard as possible to get going. It's hard to describe how it feels but it's not pleasant.


In addition (and possibly in connection) I have been having gastro-intestinal problems. Frequent pains and frequently have to go for a number 2. I feel weak and drained afterwards. But this comes and goes, I dunno what's up with it. The doc thought it was fine when I saw him last, but mum is worried.


So where does this leave me? Well I'm going to the doctors soon. I may as well go before I leave for my Europe holiday. I don't go to the doctor very often, and I've actually never had a blood test done before. I just had 1 urine test done last year when it was feared I had developed diabetes. Truth be told I'm a little (very) afraid of needles. I was just wondering if anyone here had experienced anything like this or perhaps had advice. It's a little embarrasing to tell some people I know. I'm worried my doctor might dismiss me as he has been known to be fairly nonchalant in the past. The guys in my team think I'm just unfit even though I told them. Who knows perhaps fitness has something to do with it. I think I've gained some weight recently. After we moved out here into the sticks it's been a 2 hour commute to university every day. By the time I get back I'm just so drained I just want to sit down and not do anything.


Also: I'm a non smoker and very very occasional drinker.


Well apologies, this turned into a bit of a rant but yeah, any advice would be appreicated :)

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Gastrointestinal issues can be notoriously difficult to diagnose, especially when symptoms aren't present. Your best bet, in my opinion, would be to consult with a gastroenterologist (not just your primary care doc). You also may want to start experimenting with different dietary methods to see if you can, through process of elimination, determine whether your diet is the cause. For example, you could start by cutting out gluten, or dairy.


Another simple solution might be that playing on three basketball teams AND refereeing is simply too much for your body to recover from in addition to the other stresses present in your life (school, relationships, work, etc.). Weight gain often accompanies chronic fatigue and stress.


I dunno... it's going to be hard to nail down the problem via internet research. Definitely start taking some proactive approaches to figuring out what the problem is though. Napping 2 hours a day is not normal.

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When it doubt, bulk up on your vitamins, especially this time of year. B12 and vitamin D especially..Both can help with your energy level. A simple blood test will show if your levels are low or not, so mention this to your Dr along with all the symptoms of how you're feeling.


Another thing to try, protein shakes which are loaded with lots of minerals and vitamins. Hows your diet, what are your eating habits like?

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Thanks for the responses. :)


Tman: the gastroenterologist sounds like a good idea. I'll see if I can get an apt before I go oversees. I don't fancy the idea of colonoscopies though :p Funny you should mention I'm doing too much sport, it looks like I'm done refereeing and it's completely unrelated. Poor working conditions and horrible management and my own being pissed off by being used by them has all come to a head.


I will admit my diet is fairly poor at the moment. I'm finishing my degree in the next 2 weeks so it's been super stressful. I've just been eating meat pies and other junk lately, although I have managed to eat a few hundred grams of smoked salmon most days. It's addictive.


WWIU: I hadn't thought of vitamins. I'll give them a go. Do they increase your vitality and make you feel better? And protein shakes I haven't tried either. I thought they were mainly for building muscle? (I'm naturally tall and muscular).

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Oh definately it makes a difference. I have a B12 defiency, and it's a forever thing so I get B12 shots monthly and it really helps with my energy level.

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I know you have a problem with needles but blood tests aren't so bad, really. You need to get a blood test. There could be all sorts of reasons for what you are experiencing, including anaemia. If you haven't had a blood test very recently, go and see your doctor and get one.


I have chronic fatigue syndrome and what you are describing is very much what I experience. However, blood tests never show any problem for me and still I have the extreme fatigue. Other conditions need to be ruled out first. If you are deficient in any vitamins, a blood test should show this up.


The gastro-intestinal thing could be something or nothing. Again, go back to your doctor if it's persisting.


If, at the end of the day, all the tests show nothing, you may find yourself in a position like me. I have similar symptoms including gastro-intestinal. I have no choice but to try to manage the symptoms and carry on, with little or no support. Recent research in Norway using anti-cancer drugs, suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome could be an auto-immune condition, but this still has to be confirmed by other studies. Hopefully, the doctor will find out what your problem is and will be able to put it right easily.

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WWIU: I hadn't thought of vitamins. I'll give them a go. Do they increase your vitality and make you feel better? And protein shakes I haven't tried either. I thought they were mainly for building muscle? (I'm naturally tall and muscular).


B12 has helped me with my energy level. Maybe not protein shakes, sorry, those mineral/vitamin drinks (Ensure) that have everything in them..

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