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Ok, well I've been doing quite well with the NC thing, 3 weeks now.


I have tickets to a concert tonight we were going to together and I really can't face going without him. I've literally cried all morning at the thought of going. Do I go and put a brave face on things or not bother. I know I should go, but I feel so miserable I wouldn't enjoy it. Guess I'm having a bad day and I tend to shut myself away on basd days.

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Hey Lucy,

is there a friend that can go with you instead?

You know you really do need to go. I think that experiencing life without your partner is a healing process to realise that you can experience life without your partner.


Im sure you will have a mixture of feelings if you go, some sad, but mainly happy Im sure. But its a stepping stone to moving on and living your own life isnt it?

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