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Down day


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It's been over a month now since we split. He lied and cheated the whole of the relationship and I know I am better off without him. Most days I am ok and I can see a general trend of me being happier and better each day BUT

I still get these awful down days like today- I feel so lonely and tearful and still want him to do something to make it up to me (like saying sorry and meaning it or paying me back some of the money etc etc).

Why do I get these down days? Why can't I just let go? Do other people get these blips too?

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Do other people get these blips too?



Yes, of course! It's all part of the healing process. But you'll know when you are getting better is when you wake up in the morning and your past love is not the first thing you think about.


Give it more time, stay NC, and things will get better :)



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Thanks Mike. Its so difficult sometimes but thanks for the reassurance and hope you are doing ok.



I know it is difficult at times. Keep posting and let people know how you are doing :)


And yeah, I am ok. Thanks for asking. I am back to work part time. I work for myself (thankfully!) so I can just go part time, or not at all, if I want to.


I injured my arm. Not sure how. But ouch! Damn, it hurts. Must be a pulled muscle.


Still have not made it back to the gym yet. But I am enjoying these quiet peaceful days, just shopping, hanging out, doing short hikes and making videos of it. I have my own youtube page I put things up on.


I still have lots of work to do on myself. But it's all doable. And overall, things are better.


Be well :)



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I know exactly what you mean. It's been about a month since my split as well. He lied to me the whole time to keep me around while he was still talking/seeing/sleeping with other women.


I've been having a few rough days this week after not crying since about the 2nd week. I've been dreaming of him a lot, waking up crying, crying throughout the day. I guess everyone goes through it. I too wish that he'd make up for hurting me so badly, but it'll never happen in either of our situations. And whatever they could possibly offer to make up for doing this to us would never be good enough, in my opinion.

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lyeex, you are so right but actually i still wish he would at least make a proper apology lol

I hope you feel a bit better each day and I so understand what you are going through. Hugs

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