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Certains days of the week worse then others?


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Well, it's just been 5 months since I was kicked to the curb like an old shoe for another guy. (my original thread http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t302201/)


But I find Sundays and Mondays to be the hardest. In my case, it's because I miss the kids. I miss my little family unit of three years... I'm doing much much better, but I still have my days including some evenings going home to an empty house where I had two great kids waiting for me to come home... But like I said, she just kicked me to the curb and out some other guy in my shoes over night..


So tell me, what are some of the harder days of the week for some of you?

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I am on my 5th week of no contact and Sundays are always a down day for me. Idk why but I always have the Sunday blues and that is when I miss him more than usual. During the week I am usually pretty busy with school and my friends, so the fact that I miss him doesn't hit me as hard till Sunday rolls around. It sucks, but I have made improvement. I don't cry myself to sleep anymore :) I don't cry as much in general anymore over him

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