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whats his deal?


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So, i have my ex on facebook but i just hid all his **** from my news feed and well the other day i had deactivated it then reactivated it and well i guess the setting to where his stuff was hidden had gone away so i had uploaded some pictures of me and my friends having a good time and drinking then when i had went back onto my news feed i saw he has written "holding up a can of beer so you can look cool is stupid, you should just kill yourself." i was like wtf? i havent even spoken to him, ive left him alone and hes still critsizing me.


does anyone know what his deal could be with me?


im very much contemplating on deleting him off facebook also but he might just go off on me about that too and he was the one who left me.



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This is just beyond cruel and nasty. I remember reading earlier you wanted to be friends with him....why would you want to be friends with someone who speaks to you like that????! Nobody deserves to be treated like that...just walk away and keep NC going. You said you are thinking about deleting him on FB but are worried he will go off on you...do you really care that much about him or what he will think about you? Honestly, don't ever let anyone talk to you like that

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thanks guys, yeah i ended up deactivating my facebook again and made a new one so he couldnt find me and add me again.

i wanted to be friends because i thought he was over all this negativity but hes not so i want nothing to do with him.

i havent even thought about once from when i posted this thread till now and im very content with that.

going on no contact for 2 weeks and it feels so good.

im not going to waste my time with him anymore.

only time we will speak is if its about our son and only about him.

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Not worth the trouble of completely deleting your facebook. Flat out delete him.


It doesn't matter if he notices. He is spiteful, and lacks respect, you don't need him in your personal life. (Unless it pertains to your child together.)


If he tries to add you again, just reject him.


Sometimes it's best to just go NC and to move on. You can't be friends with all of your ex'es, just keep civil. You can be the better person.

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I dealt with something similar after 4 months of NC, my ex found me on a dating site and pretended she was someone else and sent me 5 fake pictures of another girl. Then sent me an email from her own email account saying "I knew you were full of ****"


It sucks and hurts. Its selfish behavior on their part because they don't want you to move on without them in your life. Even though they probably have someone else.


You just have to ignore it, block them and continue on your happy way

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I dealt with something similar after 4 months of NC, my ex found me on a dating site and pretended she was someone else and sent me 5 fake pictures of another girl. Then sent me an email from her own email account saying "I knew you were full of ****"


It sucks and hurts. Its selfish behavior on their part because they don't want you to move on without them in your life. Even though they probably have someone else.


You just have to ignore it, block them and continue on your happy way


thank you for the reply.


that stuff always sucks, ive been ignoring him and havent been answering his texts because i really dont wanna talk to him anymore now, i came on here asking for advice about wanting to be friends because for our sons sake but i wanted other peoples opinions because i never seem to take my own advice which sucks but i think being on here and talking all this out with people going through the same this is good for my healing process.


this is gunna be one long road but im getting through it one day at a time.

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