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Had a "good" day!


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Aced 2 of my exams, nailed a 2nd job interview, have an old best friend back in my life. She is still on my mind all the time and wish I could share this with her and have her support because I know she would be thrilled for me. Oh well I am doing it on my own and can be happy I am not sitting at home waiting for things to get better themselves. I know you are all thrilled for me ;)

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thank you! Im gong to savor this feeling as long as I can as I know how short it lasts lol



One day, it will last forever :)


Have fun with it.


And be well



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Yeah, everybody knows the lows can get you, but you and I know the highs can be just as bad. There's that desire to show off and brag a little and reaffirm to your SO that you're a catch. :-P The up side is, you accomplished what you did without them and it doesn't change who you are. It's possible to be awesome solo! :-D Congratulations and good luck.

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