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Why is everyone upset that I have feelings for the same guy?


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You all act as if I am just supposed to snap my fingers and get over it.


That's not exactly "helping" people on a relationship advice message board.


People come here hurting and that is exactly what I am doing...


You can't tell me "just get over it". Love doesn't work that way and I'm in love with this guy. I probably always will be. I am attracted to him.


Why is that so hard to understand? Whether he's attracted to me not does not change how I feel.


You don't tell your heart what to do.


Please, stop badgering me and calling me by a different screen name because I have liked the same guy for a measly 2 years.

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You all act as if I am just supposed to snap my fingers and get over it.


That's not exactly "helping" people on a relationship advice message board.


People come here hurting and that is exactly what I am doing...


You can't tell me "just get over it". Love doesn't work that way and I'm in love with this guy. I probably always will be. I am attracted to him.


Why is that so hard to understand? Whether he's attracted to me not does not change how I feel.


You don't tell your heart what to do.


Please, stop badgering me and calling me by a different screen name because I have liked the same guy for a measly 2 years.


The similarities between you and Dreamer are striking.


Anyways - what is it going to take for you to realize he just doesn't like you in "that way"? The way it's going, in 5-10 years, you're going to wake up and realize you just wasted YEARS of your life pining after your friend who just was never interested in you.

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The similarities between you and Dreamer are striking.


Anyways - what is it going to take for you to realize he just doesn't like you in "that way"? The way it's going, in 5-10 years, you're going to wake up and realize you just wasted YEARS of your life pining after your friend who just was never interested in you.


I have not met anyone else that I like, so I am not wasting any time.


I can't force myself to be attracted to someone I'm not and I'm not attracted to anyone else except famous people...


He's the most attractive man on the planet to me and the male version of myself.


How can I waste time on the fact that I just simply do not like anyone else and probably never will.

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So, personality matters for nothing to you? As long as a guy is "hot" to you, it doesn't matter how he treats you?

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Foremost, you seem to revel in the fact this guy has treated other women like fecal matter. And defended him despite the fact that you yourself know he is a jerk to them. And then you get upset when people get annoyed at you for pursuing somebody who is obviously just going to hurt you like he hurt the rest. This guy doesn't value relationships, he values ass.


Secondly, just because you like somebody does not mean they are destined to be with you. I'm sorry. That's just how life is. You can spend all day worshiping a person and smothering them with your love, but it won't make them love you back. You'll drag yourself through glass shards on your knees, screaming their name and writing love poems to them with your blood, and it won't make a difference. You can't force somebody to love you.


But that doesn't mean you are doomed into being alone. Regardless of how much you think you'll never want anybody else. Regardless of how ugly you think every other male is. Regardless of how you refuse to choose anybody but that one guy. You are not locked to him through some mystical fantasy chain.


I'm the first one to call people on trying to tell me I don't know myself. And I absolutely hate when people kick dust up in my face when I try to defend how I feel about things. But the fact is, a lot of things come down to pride. Don't fight to keep your opinion simply because you think changing it is admitting defeat.


Despite how defensive you get, people obviously still want to give you advice. But you seem to keep slapping it away unless they are agreeing with you. And then come back talking about how you can't be with that one guy who shouldn't be getting attention from anybody, over and over again.

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Why is that so hard to understand? Whether he's attracted to me not does not change how I feel.


You're right: only YOU can change how you feel.


I think the reason posters are getting fed up with you is because of your "poor, pity me" attitude.


Most posters here do not respect you because YOU DO NOT RESPECT YOURSELF.

And since you try and talk the "good" talk about coming here for "help", here's a couple of questions for you:


1. Reading through all the break-up / unrequited love threads, what help would you give to those who have actually lost their partner, you know, one where an actual romantic relationship took place (as opposed to one inside one's head)?


2. Would you take your own advice?

Edited by TrueColors
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I'd probably commit suicide if I ever actually got in a relationship and got dumped...


which is why I will marry a guy before ever getting THAT close to someone.

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I'd probably commit suicide if I ever actually got in a relationship and got dumped...


which is why I will marry a guy before ever getting THAT close to someone.


So predictable: you didn't even answer the question.


It went straight back to you. Again.


The reason I asked that question is because I wanted to highlight the fact that you lack empathy, objectivity, or sensitivity. The core ingredients of actually giving help or advice on a forum like LS, IMO.


So to talk about you getting help here, is laughable.


We're not your parents. We're not here to hold your hand if you're not going to bother helping yourself. Or at least ask questions if you don't understand.


This is what it's like in the real world. And at 24, 26, or whatever age you're choosing to be atm, you should at least know this by now.

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I'd probably commit suicide if I ever actually got in a relationship and got dumped...

which is why I will marry a guy before ever getting THAT close to someone.

That's one reason to get therapy. Your mentality of a relationship isn't healthy.
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I'd probably commit suicide if I ever actually got in a relationship and got dumped...


which is why I will marry a guy before ever getting THAT close to someone.


Wow... :eek:


Are you scared of intimacy?

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No ones upset, its just that no one likes what youre doing. You came here under a different screen name, and youre wasting your time venting here again, dreamergirl.




2 votes say you are...or the ego twin of her...Seriously I am half ashamed that folks feed your fodder and cannot connect the dots about you.


Kudos to the poster who nailed it about her lacking empathy, that is one of her better qualities that shines when confronted. I sadly find her post at best an example of delusion.

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I have not met anyone else that I like, so I am not wasting any time.


I can't force myself to be attracted to someone I'm not and I'm not attracted to anyone else except famous people...


But you are essentially wasting your time if it's been 2 years and he's not responding to your interest- how is waiting for something that is not going to happen NOT wasting time?


I would rather be alone than be with anyone else.


He is my one.


He's been clear you are not "his" one. People don't magically change their minds about things like this after 2 years.


Every moment you spend pining after someone that isn't reciprocating is a big waste of your time. All this time you've spent focusing on an unavailable guy.... Maybe you missed out on meeting someone else.

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Niagara Falls

2 years ago? get over it. theres a million people who are a lot who are worse off than you are yet deserve a lot better.


your a bitch. and thats why you say "most other guys make you want to vomit". because most other guys want nothing to do with you and you have no choice. you can try to tell me im wrong but your only lying to yourself.


stop being so shallow and find a guy you like both in looks and personality. its obviously a hard search but complaining about it here isnt going to get you any sympathy


and saying the only other people your attracted to are celebrities is just pathetic. there are a lot better looking average guys than most celebrities, your obviously not very financially independant though, and thats one thing that you miss about your old guy. he could support him and you financially. what was he a doctor i bet? engineering?



most women want money, fame, and a hot guy who has it all, but most also settle for what they can get, as do most guys, thats how the world works. for some reason you cant settle. i say your just a bitch, but its probably something more. you either need to get used to being part of the 99% instead of the 1% you so desperately want to be apart of




go see a therapist. you need it. being a bitch on the internet to those trying to give you advice obviously isn't helping

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