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Who's the REAL bunny boiler?

Elizabeth Southerns

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Seems some people are easily fooled by "appearances". The story is currently in the news because the criminal has just been sentenced. It's not an old story but a current one.

Same people, same circumstances, merely dredged up again. And it had to be posted twice because...? :rolleyes:


Yep. Only one circumstance. :cool:

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Elizabeth Southerns
Same people, same circumstances, merely dredged up again. And it had to be posted twice because...? :rolleyes:


Often the same news story generates multiple posts. Why should this news story not generate another post now that it is back in the news since the criminal has been sentenced?

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She's on CCTV footage taking the kitten against its will. She scoops the cat up and walks off with it. I know OWs are credited with magic vaginas - they can even bewitch guys who claim to be so drunk they don't know what they are doing so that they are capable of sex - but being able to scoop up a fully grown man and carry him off against his will, that I've never seen! :lmao: :lmao:


I guess those BWs regard their H's as cute little pets, then, rather than as fully functioning adults with their own free will? :confused:


Against its will? :lmao::lmao::lmao:


Maybe the kitten and some MM exhibit the same level of will power when it comes to being scooped up and carried away.


This thread is great.













Wait. This thread is supposed to be a joke right?

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Against its will? :lmao::lmao::lmao:


Maybe the kitten and some MM exhibit the same level of will power when it comes to being scooped up and carried away.


This thread is great.













Wait. This thread is supposed to be a joke right?

If it wasn't meant to be, well... :D
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Sorry if I stole it against your will. ;)


humph!!! Okay, okay, take your H back........just return my kitten, please...




Nice to see you back, BTW, J! :)





(just one more thing........Did Alphamale put you up to this prank?:laugh:)

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Not everybody in an A is looking for support to leave it. Some are looking for support to stay in it. I'd rather support people where they are, with what they want, rather than pushing my own agenda onto them because I think I know what's best for them.


But that's just me. Others have a different idea of what constitutes "support".


I hear what you are saying and if someone knows who they are and are happy in their situation I can respect that. I didn't really mean to not include you and others who are happy.


I have to ask though...how is this thread helpful no matter what the case is? As you can see, it is only pitting people against one another. In any case, as you and wwiu said, people are free to post as they wish. Good luck to you.

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That link is hilarious.


I am sending you the bill for the mineral water all over my computer screen now.



That's funny as hell. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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No, I'm guilty all on my own. :o

I hope you didn't give my hubby any ice cream, by the way. He's on a diet. :p


You are too funny. Good to see you!

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No, I'm guilty all on my own. :o

I hope you didn't give my hubby any ice cream, by the way. He's on a diet. :p



just a little bit of Rocky Road............:p




Will the REAL bunny boiler please stand up?



(I think he's upset about the competition)

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to answer the op's question of who the "real" bunny boiler is, i would say it is the ow in the above link who killed a child to get back at a mm and his wife. what kind of sick individual takes the life of a child because they were dumped?


I remember this story when it first happened.. Unbelievablely sad and such devastation.


The OW who wasn't mentally ill, she worked hard, was mother of 2 already .. Yet another example a crime of passion aka the affair and all that an A can bring (the bad stuff of an A) just shows the damage that can be done and a poor innocent little baby suffered because of it, 2 more kids motherless forever and a broken hearted father who only wanted to spend more time with this son. So sad..:(

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The one who keeps mentioning spurious blogs? :confused: Seems to be quite some crush going on :love:


I can vouch that the blog is real. The author was kind enough to post a link to it in her profile. It was really vile and twisted and it was seen by many of the posters here.

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ah jeeze... i don't know whta he hell most of you are talking about...I guess I am not "with it"


but that's nothing new... 9 time sout of ten i don't know what people are talking about and am so NOT "with it" that it isn't funny


:D:D:D:D:D ah we, maybe not being with it isn't so bad... after all, doesn't everything come around again, and my choice in music, clothing, etc. will suddenly be trendy again? Then we'll se who's "with it":D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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I think affairs, in general, can result in all sorts of crazy behavior from all sides. Not just stealing kittens, but actual homicide.


Amazingly, the same sort of crazy things happen when two single people date. Murder and all manner of crazy things happen in business relationships too, and in relationships between family members, or friends. It seems relationships, of any sort, all have the same potential problems.

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Not only that, Spark, but remember a long time ago when a BS posted that affairs were akin to theft, taking something that's not yours, like stealing a puppy or kitten out of someone's yard? Some OW got upset and said that couldn't possibly be true, yadda yadda yadda. Now, a BS actually steals a kitten from the OW, and it's an atrocity against humanity! :lmao:


Wow! Do you think the BS was a reader at LS and got the idea here? Now that would really be something, wouldn't it?


She steals a kitten and someone had to alert the police to it, and someone had to prove it by showing the home security tapes, and now that someone and her MM are splashed all over the media with details of their affair, their child, and their questionable loan!


It's absolutely brilliant. You cannot buy exposure and embarrassment of that stature of an affair....for stealing a kitten.


I think this could start a trend of kitten thefts for sure.

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Freestyle, there may be a new career in here for you!:D



what, as a cat burglar?





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Amazingly, the same sort of crazy things happen when two single people date. Murder and all manner of crazy things happen in business relationships too, and in relationships between family members, or friends. It seems relationships, of any sort, all have the same potential problems.


But it isn't the existence of a R that causes terrible things to happen. It is how people in said R's are treated. Any time there is an A, SOMEONE is being deceived and lied to and their feelings completely discounted. Not necessarily so in other R's.

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But it isn't the existence of a R that causes terrible things to happen. It is how people in said R's are treated. Any time there is an A, SOMEONE is being deceived and lied to and their feelings completely discounted. Not necessarily so in other R's.


Yet there is no shortage of misdeeds, violence, criminal activity or murder in any type of R. It's in the news every day, in abundance. All manner of new stalking laws to address the nutjobs who can't let go. Business partners killing each other over money. Looney ex's killing their former lover. ...


For the number of A's going on, the number of violent bad outcomes doesn't seem to be any worse than any other type of R.

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Those in the UK will be familiar with this story which involves the dumped BW sneaking into the home the OW shared with the MM and their (OW & MM's) child, and stealing the child's kitten. :sick:


The BW - on the dole - claimed to be dropping mail off for the wealthy MM, but snuck into the house to see what she could steal to use against him in the divorce. She was captured on CCTV trespassing on the property and stealing the kitten, but claimed to have no memory of it. She was, nonetheless, found guilty because of the compelling evidence against her.


Glenn Close boiling the family bunny was fiction. This woman was real. Perhaps there should be more warnings in the popular media saying, "Lock up your pets, and your kids' pets, OWs - if the BW can't get the MM back, there's no telling how low she might stoop for revenge..."


IMO, this story is odd and not because of the "bunny boiler" stunt. Here is a guy who had been open about having an OW and the triangle had existed for sometime. Obviously, there isn't a BS in the traditional sense of the word. She knew and must have accepted it by virtue of staying M to the guy.


The funny thing is that this kind of thing happens in Africa all the time. What ensues is a rocky R among all three parties. At some point any one of the women will feel like the other is getting "more" than she is. That is the nature of polygamy! How strange that such a thing happens in UK and the man, an MP, can openly state that this is the way his family is. Very odd indeed.

Edited by findingnemo
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Glenn Close boiling the family bunny was fiction. This woman was real. Perhaps there should be more warnings in the popular media saying, "Lock up your pets, and your kids' pets, OWs - if the BW can't get the MM back, there's no telling how low she might stoop for revenge..."


People act and do weird and damaging things all the time, bunny boiler behaviour is not confined to the BS, many time OW or OM show desperate behaviour, which is rather sad actually and personally speaking, I find it rather distasteful to use this instance to try to create an us and them type thread. Thankfully it hasn't got to that, LS has, I think, grown up and more and more people are coming to and getting support from OW/OM, BS and WS alike without too many hats being worn.


From my understanding, they had been married 26 years, he had numerous A's, had a daughter by the OW and the BS had only known about the A for 3 days. Frankly, I wouldn't trust this man with my vote, I do understand her anger and I also rememeber the hurt and turmoil after H's A, I wouldn't go so far as to steal a kitten, but had he moved in with her and was taking her to functions 3 days after I wouldn't have gone quietly. From acquaintances, I understand she kept quiet about his other A's to help his political career. Again, not something I would buy into.


I find nothing stranger than hanging around for all that time while he gorged himself on cake, I find that odder than taking a cat and I find it odder still that both the BS and the OW and OOW put up with that. For every BS revenge story there will be an OW/OM one. It isn't a competition rather an illustration of the hurt A's can cause.


I have read the blog that was knocking around saying dammed awful things about BS. I thought the writer came across as rather spiteful, bitter (yep used the B word) and rather cold hearted also portraying a fanciful, la, la land version of A's. Probably good fiction from a writing viewpoint, but if it reflected her views IRL, then I always suspected it was how she would have liked things to be. Which I found rather sad.

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Glenn Close boiling the family bunny was fiction. This woman was real. Perhaps there should be more warnings in the popular media saying, "Lock up your pets, and your kids' pets, OWs - if the BW can't get the MM back, there's no telling how low she might stoop for revenge..."


People act and do weird and damaging things all the time, bunny boiler behaviour is not confined to the BS, many time OW or OM show desperate behaviour, which is rather sad actually and personally speaking, I find it rather distasteful to use this instance to try to create an us and them type thread. Thankfully it hasn't got to that, LS has, I think, grown up and more and more people are coming to and getting support from OW/OM, BS and WS alike without too many hats being worn.


From my understanding, they had been married 26 years, he had numerous A's, had a daughter by the OW and the BS had only known about the A for 3 days. Frankly, I wouldn't trust this man with my vote, I do understand her anger and I also rememeber the hurt and turmoil after H's A, I wouldn't go so far as to steal a kitten, but had he moved in with her and was taking her to functions 3 days after I wouldn't have gone quietly. From acquaintances, I understand she kept quiet about his other A's to help his political career. Again, not something I would buy into.


I find nothing stranger than hanging around for all that time while he gorged himself on cake, I find that odder than taking a cat and I find it odder still that both the BS and the OW and OOW put up with that. For every BS revenge story there will be an OW/OM one. It isn't a competition rather an illustration of the hurt A's can cause.


I have read the blog that was knocking around saying dammed awful things about BS. I thought the writer came across as rather spiteful, bitter (yep used the B word) and rather cold hearted also portraying a fanciful, la, la land version of A's. Probably good fiction from a writing viewpoint, but if it reflected her views IRL, then I always suspected it was how she would have liked things to be. Which I found rather sad.


I completely agree. Excellent post.

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